Newhall House Hotel Fire

The Newhall House Hotel Fire (January 10, 1883) is the deadliest fire ever to have affected the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  At least 70 people perished in the fire. Survivors of the fire included General Tom Thumb and his wife, who were carried out of the building under the arm of a Milwaukee firefighter.[1]

Newhall House circa 1880 - Elevated view of Newhall House hotel. A number of horse drawn vehicles are parked along the curb.
Newhall House Rotunda, ca. 1881 Interior view of lobby area with several people sitting in chairs. Manuscript notations on the mount makes much of the fact that it was photographed at night by electric light and adds ambiguously "the first electric illumination."
Newhall House hotel fire, January 10, 1883, Milwaukee, WI

Remains of the Newhall House hotel

See also


  1. "Newhall House Hotel Fire". Wisconsin Historical Society. Retrieved 30 August 2019.
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