Nicolas-Auguste Leisnier

Nicolas-Auguste Leisnier (1787-1858) was a French engraver specialising in burin.[1]

Bust of Rabelais by Leisnier, from an edition of Rabelais' complete works published in 1823.


Born in Paris, he was a pupil and apprentice of Charles Samuel Girardet and Louis Michel Halbou. He specialised in burin and worked in the midst of the print-shop quarter at 22 rue du Cloître-Saint-Benoît in a shop-studio as (by his own description) a "printer in etching" - the building was demolished in 1855. He was made a chevalier de la Légion d'honneur in 1834 and died at home at 32 rue de Trozy in Clamart in 1858.[2]



  1. (in French) Henri Beraldi, Les Graveurs du XIXe siècle : guide de l'amateur d'estampes modernes, Paris, L. Conquet, 1889, volume 9, p. 107-109.
  2. (in French)« Leisnier (Nicolas-Auguste) », in La Grande Encyclopédie : inventaire raisonné des sciences, des lettres et des arts, Paris, H. Lamirault, 1885, volume 21, p 1180 - online
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