Ravening Hordes: The Official Warhammer Battle Army Lists

Ravening Hordes: The Official Warhammer Battle Army Lists is a 1987 game supplement for Warhammer published by Games Workshop.


Ravening Hordes: The Official Warhammer Battle Army Lists is a supplement which provides a set of ten army lists, including special rules and more.[1]


Rick Priestley reviewed Ravening Hordes: The Official Warhammer Battle Army Lists for White Dwarf #90, and stated that "Ravening Hordes is packed with information for Warhammer Battle – more than in any one source other than the rules. It's not a scenario, but a scenario construction kit."[1]


  1. Priestley, Rick (June 1987). "Open Box". White Dwarf. Games Workshop (Issue 90): 2.
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