Rhodope mountain range

The Rhodope mountain range is a physico-geographical and geological unit of the Balkan Peninsula. It derives its name from the Rhodope Mountains.

Geologically, the Rhodope mountain range is an ancient Hercynian crystalline massif – the remnant of the Aegean massif, which in the Pleistocene is partially destroyed, dismembered and demolished (its southern part is currently the bottom of the Aegean Sea). From the west and north, the Rhodope mountain range borders the mountain ranges of alpine orogenesis. To the west it borders the Dinaric and Šar-Pindus massifs (Albanian mountains) – the border is marked by the valleys of Vardar, Ibar, West Morava and Kolubara. To the north, the Rhodope mountain range reach the middle Danube in the Belgrade area. From the northeast, the Rhodope mountain range, through the valley of the South Morava and the Sofia Valley, borders the Balkan Mountain subsystem (Balkanian mountains) – the Balkan Mountains. To the south, the physical-geographical unit is bounded by the northern coast of the Aegean Sea.


  • Родопско горје, Опћа енциклопедија Југославенског лексикографског завода – Загреб.
  • Др. Драган П. Родић, Географија за I или III разред средње школе, Београд 1998. (списак планина)
  • Мала енциклопедија Просвета; 1985; Просвета; Београд; ISBN 978-86-07-00001-2
  • Јован Ђ. Марковић; Енциклопедијски географски лексикон Југославије; 1990; Свјетлост; Сарајево; ISBN 978-86-01-02651-3

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