Ring Games

Ring Games is a Jamaican television series, created in 2016. It revolves around a wealthy family living in Kingston, Jamaica. Created by Television Jamaica, it is written by Dahlia Harris.[1] The series is based on Ol' Fyah Stick, but with a more developed plot.

Ring Games
GenreSoap opera
Romantic teledrama
Created byDahlia Harris
Written byDahlia Harris
Directed byDahlia Harris
  • Dahlia Harris
  • Volier Johnson
  • Deon Silvera
  • Desmond Dennis
  • Rosie Murray
Country of originJamaica
Original languages
Production companyDMH Productions/Television Jamaica
Original networkTelevision Jamaica
External links


Betty (Deon Silvera), a poor woman who comes to work as maid in the Moore's House falls in loves with Joseph (Volier Johnson), the owner of the house. However Joseph's daughter Margaret (Dahlia Harris) plots to separate them along with Delory, the security guard of the house.


Actor Character Role
Dahlia Harris Margaret The daughter of Joseph Moore who wanted to stop the romantic relationship between Betty and Joseph.
Volier Johnson Joseph Moore Lead male role and Betty's husband. Fell in love with Betty.
Deon Silvera Betty The poor woman who came to get a job at the Moore's house. Fell in love with Joseph.
Desmond Dennis Delory Margaret's assistant in breaking the relationship between Joseph and Betty.
Rosie Murray Joan Joseph's inquisitive neighbor, who has a crush on Joseph, and planned to stop Betty and Joseph's relationship.

See also


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