Rudram (TV series)

Rudram is a Marathi thriller television series s directed by Bhimrao Mude, written by Girish Joshi and produced by Nikhil Seth, Vinod Lavekar, Sandesh Kulkarni under the production house Potadi Entertainment. The series starred Mukta Barve, Vandana Gupte, Satish Rajwade, Mohan Agashe among others and debuted on Zee Yuva on 7 August 2017. The final episode was broadcast on 16 November 2017[1][2]

Publicity poster of the TV series
Written byGirish Joshi
StarringMukta Barve
Vandana Gupte
Kiran Karmarkar
Anand Alkunte
Ashish Kulkarni
Theme music composerNarendra Bhide
Country of originIndia
No. of episodes74
Executive producers
  • Nikhil Seth
  • Vinod Lavekar
  • Sandesh Kulkarni
EditorsPrathmesh Patkar, Ashwini bagde
Original release7 August (2017-08-07) 
16 November 2017 (2017-11-16)
External links


Ragini (Mukta Barve) is an ordinary young woman living an ordinary life. Her life is turned up side down when her husband, only child and her father are killed in a car accident, but luckily she survives. Dealing with the following guilt and mental trauma, with the help of her physciatrist (Mohan Agashe) and accompanied by her mother (Vandana Gupte) she discovers that the accident was a premediated murder. This sets her on a journey of investigation and revenge, while struggling with personal and emotional challenges.[3][4]


Graphics series on social media

To help viewers keep up with the progress of the series, a weekly graphic series was published by Zee Yuva's digital team on their social media channels (Facebook and Instagram).[5]


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