Scheduled time

In rallying, the Scheduled Time of any crew is the time, calculated at the beginning of the event, that they should arrive at any given control. It is different from Due Time in that Due Time is dynamic, and can change throughout the event as competitors drop time; whereas Scheduled Time is fixed from the start of the event. Scheduled Time is used to calculate whether a crew is Over Time Limit (OTL).


There are various systems for applying penalties.

"Standard" time system

1 Penalty per minute later than Due Time at any Time Control. (Hence the interchangeable use of "minutes" and "penalties" in results. This is the most common type of penalty incurred)
2 Penalties per minute earlier than Scheduled Time at any Time Control.
30 Penalties per Time Control not visited or visited OTL.

Fail system

1 Penalty per minute later than Due Time at any Time Control.
2 Penalties per minute earlier than Scheduled Time at any Time Control.
1 FAIL per Time Control not visited or visited OTL. 1 Fail is worse than any number of penalties.

Stage rally system

10 Seconds added onto the total stage time per minute later than Due Time at any Time Control.
1 Minute added onto total stage time per minute earlier than Scheduled Time at any Time Control.
Excluded for visiting any Time Control OTL.
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