Standard Ebooks

Standard Ebooks is a not-for-profit platform that curates, refines, and republishes existing copies of freely available public domain e-books no longer protected by U.S. copyright law.[1][2] Its code is open source and is available for contribution from volunteers.[3] Standard Ebooks sources its titles from sources like Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive, and Wikisource, among others.[4]

Standard Ebooks
The Standard Ebooks logo
Established2015 (2015)
LocationUnited States
Size450 documents (January 2021)

All Standard Ebooks titles are released in epub, azw3, and Kepub formats. All of the project's ebook files are released in the public domain, and all code is released under the GNU General Public License v3.


The project creates books using a style guide which the project calls The Standard Ebooks Manual of Style.[5] It provides a guide for volunteers to edit and produce e-books that comply with the project's standards. Their finished product is designed to take advantage of modern e-reader technology, and utilize modern and consistent typography. This stands in contrast to the work of transcription sites like Project Gutenberg, which John Gruber of Daring Fireball described as "an amazing library," but whose books are "a mess typographically."[6][7]

Book covers

Standard Ebooks creates book covers from public domain fine art. Volunteers are tasked to locate a painting suitable for the specific e-book they are producing.


This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.