Sustainment Unit One Stop
The Sustainment Unit One Stop is single entry point web-page that provides one web address for use by all Sustainment units. It is maintained by G-3 Training and Doctrine Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), Fort Lee, Virginia in coordination with the Soldier Support Institute at Fort Jackson, SC.
This portal directs the customer to specific unit focused pages for the Theater Sustainment Command (TSC), Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC), Sustainment Brigade (Sust Bde), Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB), Brigade Support Battalion (BSB), and Aviation Support Battalion (ASB).
It also provides access to functional Quartermaster, Ordnance, Transportation, Financial Management and Human Resources unit pages.
The goal of the Sustainment Unit One Stop is to make the customer's access to information easy and avoid going through multiple layers (clicks) in the CASCOM website to find useful content. It is not a location for content but rather a directory to Training, Doctrine, Force Structure and other resources essential to the supported units.