T Repaka

T Repaka is a village in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district in Telangana, India. It falls under Atmakur mandal. It is about 7 km from the nearby town of Mothkur. People can reach Mothkur any time by a RTC bus. Four Rtc services (two in the morning before 9 am from mothkur and two in the evening before 4 pm from mothkur) are running via T repaka. Meanwhile people used to travel by share autos.The repairs of cc roads, street lights, voluntary service programs, voluntary health programs, blood donation and health camps, financial assistance to the poor students in the village basic school providing basic facilities to the elderly, the disabled and the alcohol ban, the morning to evening bus facilities, various facilities under shivaji youth

T Repaka
Country India
Time zoneUTC+5:30 (IST)

The repairs of cc roads, street lights, voluntary service programs, voluntary health programs, blood donation and health camps, financial assistance to the poor students in the village basic school providing basic facilities to the elderly, the disabled and, the alcohol ban, the mornThe repairs of cc roads, street lights, voluntary service programs, voluntary health programs, blood donation and health camps, financial assistance to the poor students in the village basic school providing basic facilities to the elderly, the disabled and the alcohol ban, the morning to evening bus facilities, various facilities under shivaji youth

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