Tartu Linna-tütarlastekool

The Tartu Linna-tütarlastekool (German: Stadttöcherschule zu Dorpat) was a girls' school active in Tartu in Estonia between 1804 and 1893. It belonged to the most prestigious educational institutions for girls in the Baltic.

The school was founded 14 October 1804. It was a German language school for girls of the German language burgher and higher classes. It was headed by Emilie Feldmann (1853–66), Emma von Riekhoff (1866–88) and Amalie Kemmerer (1888–93). Initially a one class school, it became a two classes school in 1815. In 1853-54, girls' education in Tartu was reorganized, and the school was organized in the four classes quarta, tertia, secunda, and prima, with additionally two classes in 1874, quinta and sexta. The subjects were religion, French, German, arithmetic, history, geography, nature science, art, drawing and handicrafts. In 1887, the edict of Russification forced the schools in the Baltic countries to teach in the Russian language, after which the school was closed down when the teacher's refused to reform it.


  • Allan Liim. Saksa koolidest Tartus 19. sajandil. "Tartu, baltisakslased ja Saksamaa". Artiklite kogumik. Koostajad: Helmut Piirimäe, Claus Sommerhage. Tartu Ülikool, saksa filoloogia õppetool. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 1998.

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