Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center
TMAC, formerly known as the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, is an organization that works to strengthen the Texas economy by providing best business practice technical assistance, training, and consulting to Texas industry and businesses. TMAC is an affiliate of the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a program run by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
The program is hosted by several partner institutions:
- University of Texas at Arlington
- Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service
- University of Texas at El Paso
- Southwest Research Institute
- Texas Tech University
- University of Texas–Pan American
TMAC was formed in 1995. As a requirement for NIST support and to track the value of the government program, companies receiving assistance get an opportunity to provide a feedback survey to rate the service and detail impacts in the areas of productivity, competitiveness, employment fluctuations, and material usage.
External links
- The Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center
- TMAC South Central Region hosted by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)
- Automation and Robotics Research Institute at UTA
- Manufacturing Extension Partnership