The Anchor (newspaper)

The Anchor is a weekly, student-run, 20-28 page newspaper for the Rhode Island College campus, established in 1928.[1]

The Anchor
"Free Access to Ideas... Full Freedom of Expression"
TypeWeekly student newspaper
SchoolRhode Island College
EditorAlison Macbeth
HeadquartersDucey Student Media Center
Student Union Plaza
Rhode Island College
Providence, RI 02908


The Anchor is student-run and published weekly during the academic year. Editorial decisions for The Anchor are made by a majority vote of its student editorial board. No form of censorship will be imposed. Any material found to be unsuitable or unacceptable in the board’s opinion will not be published. The views expressed in The Anchor, unless otherwise noted, are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Anchor or of Rhode Island College’s faculty, administration or student body.[1][2]

The Anchor editors for 2019-2020

  • Editor-in-Chief: Alison Macbeth
  • Managing Editor: Ralston Najarro
  • Art Director: Grace Kimmell
  • Business Manager: Janelle Gomes
  • News Editor: Alexis Rapoza
  • Opinions Editor: Kaicie Boeglin
  • Opinions Asst. Editor: Dan Costa
  • Arts & Lifestyles Editor: Sophia Guerrier
  • Arts & Lifestyles Asst. Editor: Gregory Williams
  • Sports Editor: Jenfrin Rodriguez
  • Photography Editor:
  • Advertising Manager: Kevin Martineau
  • Copy Editor:
  • Layout Editors:
  • Graphics Editor:
  • Distribution:
  • Technology Director:

Notable alumni

Awards and notable history


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