The Chosen One (2007 film)

The Chosen One is an American animated action comedy film from 2007. It was directed by Chris Lackey, written by Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey, produced by Andreas Olavarria, and starring Chad Fifer, Tim Curry, Traci Lords, and Lance Henriksen.[1]

The Chosen One
Film poster
Directed byChris Lackey
Produced byAndreas Olavarria
Written byChad Fifer
Chris Lackey
StarringChad Fifer
Lance Henriksen
Release date
  • 13 October 2007 (2007-10-13)
Running time
100 minutes
CountryUnited States

Voice cast


  1. "The Chosen One (2008)". Retrieved 9 May 2020 via

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