The Comedy Game
The Comedy Game is an Australian television comedy anthology series that aired in 1971 and 1973 on ABC. The new comedies screened in the series were seen as possible pilots for a full television series.[1]
The episodes led to the series Our Man in Canberra in 1971, A Nice Day at the Office in 1972, The Aunty Jack Show in 1972 and Scattergood: Friend of All in 1975.
Season 1
Our Man in Canberra
- Jeff Ashby as Humphrey Sullivan
- Robyn Nevin as Kate Sullivan
- Walter Sullivan as The Minister
A Nice Day at the Office
- John Bell as Sean Crisp
- Neil Fitzpatrick as Ted Harvey
- Fay Kelton as Vicki Short
- Kevin Lesley as Claude Fogarty
Use No Hooks
- Keith Lee
- John Hamblin
- Grahame Bond
Gaudeamus Igitur
- Jacki Weaver
- Arna-Maria Winchester
Aunty Jack’s Travelling Show
- Grahame Bond as Aunty Jack
Season 2
Fat Max
- Barry Lovett
- Graham Rouse
- Olivia Hamnett
Catch What I Mean?
- John Meillon
- Moya O'Sullivan
- Graham Rouse
Birth, Death and Marriage
The Engagement Party
- Ron Frazer
- John Krummel
- Sue Walker
Flash Nick from Jindavick
- Grahame Bond
- John Meillon
- Martin Harris
The Only One Left
- Garry McDonald
- Terry Bader
- Walter Sullivan
External links
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