The Marvels

The Marvels were a UK-based reggae group active between 1962 and 1982. Originally active in Jamaica, Alex "Dimples" Hinds and Cornell "Ornell" Hinds and Eddie Smith formed their group in the UK.[1] It specializes in Doo-wop harmonies.[2] Dimples and Ornell Hinds are married to each other.[2] After the group was disbanded, Dimples and his daughter Donna Hinds become DJs on London reggae station RJR (98.3 FM).[2]


  1. The Encyclopedia of Popular Music: Kollington - Morphine The Marvels
    - Pace, page 281 (1992) - "Donna's parents, Dimples and Cornell Hinds belong to one of the UK's foremost reggae/rhythm-and-blues group, The Marvels."
    - Lloyd Bradley, This is Reggae Music: The Story of Jamaica's Music, page 125 0802138284 2001 "Among his regular vocalists were Dandy Livingstone and Tito Simon (often billed as Sugar & Dandy) and the Marvels, while his 'house band' the Planets was led by Rico Rodriguez, who was supremely grateful for the opportunity to play ska ..."
  2. "Never Too Lateby Donna Hinds". Bandcamp. 2017. Archived from the original on 2020-05-02.
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