Tokyo Friends: The Movie

Tokyo Friends: The Movie (東京フレンズ The Movie) is a 2006 Japanese film directed by Kozo Nagayama. The film is an extension to the original drama series Tokyo Friends with the same cast and plot. The film was noted for being Ai Otsuka's debut in theatre.[1]

Tokyo Friends: The Movie
Japanese東京フレンズ The Movie
Directed byKozo Nagayama
Distributed byZazou Productions
Release date
  • December 13, 2006 (2006-12-13)
Running time
1h 56 min.


At the end of the TV series, Rei began to gain fame as a rising vocalist for The Survival Company. Ryuuji's band though was involved in triad activities and was disbanded. Ryuuji moved to New York City to restart his life. Upon discovering that Ryuuji is in New York, Rei flew to New York to meet him just before an important concert that could make her a real star in Japan.[2]




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