Torrent frog
Torrent frogs are a number of unrelated frogs that prefer to inhabit small rapid-flowing mountain or hill streams with a lot of torrents. They are generally smallish neobatrachians with a greyish-brown and usually darkly mottled back, giving them excellent camouflage among wet rocks overgrown with algae; their well-developed feet make them agile climbers of slippery rocks.

Javan torrent frog – Huia masonii, Ranidae, Indonesia
Torrent frogs belong to the following taxa:
- The "torrent frogs" of Asia are certain species in the genera Amolops, Huia, Micrixalus, Nanorana and Odorrana of the true frog family (Ranidae)
- The "torrent frogs" of Africa are the genus Arthroleptides, Odontobatrachus, and Petropedetes (families Petropedetidae & Odontobatrachidae)
- The "torrent frogs" of Australia are the genus Taudactylus of the Australian ground frog family (Myobatrachidae).
- The torrent treefrog (Litoria nannotis) of Australia is in the tree frog family (Hylidae)
See also
- Grass frog (disambiguation)
- Green frog (disambiguation)
- Rocket frog (disambiguation)
- Tree frog
- Torrent salamander
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