Two Tigers (nursery rhyme)

Two Tigers is a popular Mandarin nursery rhyme called "Liang Zhi Lao Hu" in Mandarin. Variations adopt the tune of the French melody Frère Jacques.[1][2][3][4][5][6]


Lyrics in Chinese characters

一只没有眼睛, (or: 一只没有耳朵)

Lyrics in pinyin

Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ,
Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ,
Pǎo de kuài,
Pǎo de kuài,
Yī zhǐ méiyǒu yǎnjīng, (or: Yī zhī méiyǒu ěrduo)
Yī zhī méiyǒu wěibā,
Zhēn qí guài,
Zhēn qí guài.

English translation

Two little tigers,
Two little tigers,
(They) run very fast,
(They) run very fast,
One has no eyes (or: One has no ears),
One has no tail,
Very weird,
Very weird.


  1. Ya-feng Wu and Hsing-ying Li, Gothic Crossings: Medieval to Postmodern, National Taiwan University Press, 2011, p 338
  2. Two Tigers - Taiwanese Children's Songs - Taiwan - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World
  3. "Two Tigers", Good Kids
  4. "Chinese Children's Songs", Chinese For Kids
  5. "Il Divo singing Chinese nursery rhyme "Two Tigers"(两只老虎) on "Life of Music" with Sun Xiaomei", First Post
  6. Fei-Lin Hsiao, Perception of Familiar Melodies and Tonal Speech by Taiwanese Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipients, ProQuest, 2006
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