1596 in Sweden

Years in Sweden: 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599
Centuries: 15th century · 16th century · 17th century
Decades: 1560s 1570s 1580s 1590s 1600s 1610s 1620s
Years: 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599
A memorial plaque dedicated to the fallen peasants
A Cudgel War memorial

Events from the year 1596 in Sweden



  • - An embassy from Poland arrive to support the personal union between Sweden and Poland.
  • 25 November - A peasant uprising in the province of Finland results in the Cudgel War.[1]
  • - Archbishop Abraham Angermannus organizes a religious inspection tour through the provinces to eradicate all remains of Catholicism, Paganism and other non-Lutheran practices.
  • - Sweden is afflicted with bad harvests and subsequent hunger.




  1. Krohn, J. Kertomuksia Suomen Historiasta, Kansallisseura, Helsinki 1914

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