1800s in Wales

This article is about the particular significance of the decade 1800–1809 to Wales and its people.

1790s | 1810s | Other years in Wales
Other events of the decade



Arts and literature

New books

  • J. T. Barber - A Tour Throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire (1803)
  • Thomas Charles - The Welsh Methodists Vindicated (1802)
  • Edward Davies
    • Celtic Researches on the Origin, Traditions and Languages of the Ancient Britons (1804)
    • The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids (1809)
  • Robert Davies (Bardd Nantglyn)
    • Barddoniaeth (1803)
    • Ieithiadur neu Ramadeg Cymraeg (1808)
  • Thomas Edwards (Twm o'r Nant) - Bannau y Byd (1808)
  • John Evans - A Tour through part of North Wales in ... 1798 and at other times (1800)
  • John Jones - A Development of ... Events calculated to restore the Christian Religion to its ... Purity (1800)
  • Thomas Jones - A Cardiganshire Landlord's Advice to his Tenants (1800)
  • Richard Llwyd - Beaumaris Bay (1800)
  • The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, vol. 1 (1801)
  • William Ouseley - Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia (1800)
  • William Owen Pughe - Geiriadur Cymraeg-Saesneg (1803)
  • Abraham Rees - The New Cyclopaedia, vol. 1 (1802)
  • Thomas Roberts of Llwynrhudol - Amddiffyniad i'r Methodistiaid (1806)
  • Azariah Shadrach - Allwedd Myfyrdod (1801)
  • Charles Symmons - Life of Milton (1806)
  • Richard Warner - Second Walk Through Wales (1800)
  • Henry Wigstead - Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales: In the Year 1797 (1800)


  • 1802
  • 1806
    • Casgliad o Hymnau gan mwyaf heb erioed eu hargraffu o'r blaen (collection of hymns)
  • 1807
    • Anthem y Saint... gan Evan Dafydd (collection of hymns)


  • 1802 - Royal Anglesey Yacht Club founded at Beaumaris.



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