Afro rock

Afro rock is a style of rock music. Afro rock bands and solo artist in the late 1960s and early 1970s by such as Osibisa, Assagai, Remi Kabaka, Monomono.


It is a style that relies on the use of Western string instruments (electric guitars and electric bass) and guitar effects(wah-pedal). The genre is based in Western chordal structure and progression, with keyed instruments like clavinet, electric piano, and organ. The rhythmic element of the music is a western drums and bass, but other characteristically African and Afro-Cuban emphasized elements are the percussion instruments including congas, bongos, claves, shekeres, bells, and whistles. Some afro rock bands used horn section also. The vocal style can be seen as an amalgamation of African languages and English into rock and funk context. Osibisa[1] and Assagai were founded in England.

Afro-rock bands


  1. The Official OSIBISA Website -
  2. band with Remi Kabaka, Abdul Lasisi Amao and guest Steve Winwood
  3. Afro Indie 8-piece band with Dayo Ayodele, Todd Dunnigan, Cathima Kodet, Jacob Fredrickson, Elvice Mwenematale, Ben Wieland, James Lancaster, Misty Dawn Taylor based in Boise, Idaho.

See also

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