Agnieszka Graff
Agnieszka Graff (born 1970), is a Polish writer, translator, commentator, feminist and women's and human rights activist. She studied in Oxford University, Amherst College (Massachusetts, U.S.), and graduated from School of Social Sciences at Polish Academy of Sciences. She completed her PhD in English literature in 1999. In 2001 she published World without women. She works at the Warsaw University's Institute of the Americas and Europe, and gives lectures on gender studies.[1]

Her essays and features were published in "Gazeta Wyborcza" (mass circulation left-wing newspaper), "Literatura na Świecie" ("World Literature") and "Zadra" ("The Thorn", feminist magazine).
She is a co-founder of women's organisation Porozumienie Kobiet 8 Marca (8 March Women's Coalition), with which she organises the annual Manifa Warsaw women's march. Graff is a member of the Precedent Cases Programme's Programme Board at the International Helsinki Federation For Human Rights.
Selected works
- Świat bez kobiet. Płeć w polskim życiu publicznym. (World without women: gender in Polish public life). Warsaw 2001.
- Rykoszetem. Rzecz o płci, seksualności i narodzie. (Ricochet : on gender, sexuality, and nation). Warsaw 2008.
- Magma i inne próby zrozumienia, o co tu chodzi. (Magma: and Other Attempts to Understand, What's Up with It). Warsaw 2010.
- "Agnieszka Graff-Osser - Studenci, pracownicy - Uniwersytet Warszawski - USOSweb". (in Polish). Retrieved 2017-07-24.
- "Szatani, bądźcie czynni!" (in Polish). Tygodnik Przegląd. 26 July 2007. Retrieved 25 July 2015.