Agrarian struggle in Bihar
The period of 1950s witnessed the landmark "Land reform initiative" by the state government of Bihar, (branded as the drive to improve the lot of agricultural labourers and the poor peasantry) didn't succeed in reducing the class difference existing in the agrarian society marked by non tiller class assuming the apex position of the society while the tillers at base of the social pyramid barely getting enough to satiate their needs. The agrarian struggle which emerged out of the unfinished task of land reforms was stretched right from Purnea to Palamu and from Bhojpur to Bhagalpur. The killing fields of Bihar has been studied by many scholars, among which Kalyan Mukherjee's and Rajendra Singh Yadav's Bhojpur : Naxalism in the plains of Bihar (1980), Arvind Narayan Das's Agrarian unrest and socio-economic changes in Bihar (1900-1980) (1983) have documented the rural unrest in a significant way.[1]
Subordination and agrarian relation in colonial Bihar
The subordination and discrimination comprised the characteristics which defined the agrarian relation in Bihar during Mughal and East India Company period. The land holding defined the hierarchy of castes in the contemporary agrarian society, in which the upper-castes which included Brahmin, Bhumihar and Rajputs worked for the Mughal central authority and were involved in collection of land revenue and quelling all the peasant revolts that happened against their overlords, the Mughals. After the control of Diwani rights passed into the hands of East India Company, the attempt to centralise the revenue collection was made through Permanent Settlement of 1793 which settled the land in the favour of Zamindars, which was earlier owned by state. The hierarchy which was established in the agrarian society was dominated by three upper-caste who were at apex and comprised Raja, Maharaja and petty landlords, but a large number of intermediate tenants who worked on the land also belonged to upper-caste, who belonged primarily to Bhumihar and Rajput caste and only few of them were Kayastha and Brahmin.[2]
Majority of tenant cultivator however belonged to the three caste of Yadav, Kurmi and Koeri while the Dalits were included in the category of landless labourers whose condition in this hierarchy was worst in comparison to all others. The permanent settlement of 1793 fixed the 9/10th part of land revenue collected by the landlord for the Company and for the purpose of remuneration to the revenue collectors (the landlords), the rest 1/10th was secured. However, the landlords extracted excessive revenue from the tenants and the official collection in records was always shown as 'low'. These upper-caste tenants and those belonging to backward castes were always assessed on the dual yardsticks and it was common for the later to face discrimination while paying revenue. There also existed different "terms of tenure" for a cultivator or agricultural labourer which depended upon their 'caste'. 'Grierson' in Bihar Peasant Life (1920), highlights the following proverb prevalent in Bihar's rural life to describe the inherent prejudices against the low caste peasants, the so called rar Jāti:[2]
Kaeth kichhu lelen delen, Brahaman khiyaulen
Dhan, pan paniyaulen, au rar jati latiyaulen
(A Kayasth does what you want on payment, a Brahman on being fed
paddy and betel on being watered
But a low caste man on being kicked.)[2]
However, the Untouchables or the Dalits were the worst sufferers in this hierarchy as they were in Kamia-Malik (labourer-landlord) relation with the landlords. Under this system, the landlords hired them for small debts forwarded to them in time of need and the condition for repayment was kept such that the interest goes on increasing and the debt of father passed onto their son. In this way, the landless labourers become fully depended upon their master and a kind of "bondage" or "serfdom" prevailed.[2]
History of peasant struggle in Bihar
In 19th century itself the peasants of Bihar were involved in individual heroic struggle against the intermediaries in isolated events like Santhal Hul (1855-56) and Munda uprising of 1899-1901. Later, Indigo revolt provided Gandhi with an opportunity to experiment with the peasantry. These events were however limited to local issues only with a lack of overall national perspective and the leadership was provided by local peasant leaders. Sahajanand Saraswati is also known for leading peasant struggle in some parts of Bihar but its effects were limited to certain sections of farmers only. After his death, Karyanand Sharma is well known for leading the agrarian movement specially for his Barahiya Bakhast struggle 1937-39. It was Sharma under whom the CPI undertook some of the important peasant struggle in 1950s, most important being Sathi farm struggle of Champaran.[1]

Background of armed struggle
A document released by Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation in 1986 titled Reports from the flaming fields of Bihar which is also referred to by the authors like Ranbir Sammadar in their work, defines the nature of agrarian society of Bihar in the period immediately succeeding the Green Revolution. The landed gentry which comprised mostly the landlords of the upper caste and some of the emerging Kulaks of the intermediate agricultural caste were in conflict with the lower caste agricultural labourers and landless tenants often leading to armed struggle. The Socialist movement under Jay Prakash Narayan and others though getting strengthened had little scope for downward filtration in the rural Bihar which was facing worst form of Feudalism. The state and the landlords often colluded against the naxalite forces, dominated by the landless labourers belonging to lower castes. The CPI (ML) was leading the struggle of the later along with other groups and ultra-Left cadres belonging to MCC & Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh Samiti, an organization based on idea of Jay Prakash Narayan which later turned towards radicalism aimed at reducing growing class difference.[1]
Caste and class composition of Maoist cadres
The land reforms primarily benefitted the middle peasant castes who were the tenants of the upper caste landlords in pre independence period . These middle peasant castes were linked to the landlords in variety of ways including the economic ties such as trade and money lending to supply of credit and input in agricultural operations. Some of these castes left the direct cultivation after successfully climbing up the socio-economic ladder, Awadhiya Kurmi was one such community. The Bhumihars who were included in both landlords and middle peasant category took up plough in some regions and were known for their hard working nature, contrary to the other upper castes whose ritual status forbade them from taking plough. The Koiris who were another middle castes were more attracted to the Maoist cadres, due to persistent banditry and oppression by the upper-castes. Sammadar argues that even the rich peasants of the Koiri and other middle caste were easily attracted to naxal a cadres due to their peculiar position in caste hierarchy. Yadavs often made the class struggle difficult by coming between the two ends of agrarian society i.e landlords and the labourers. But, overall the question of wage, vested lands, social oppression and 'caste solidarity' made these peasant castes, a sympathisers of the Maoism.[1]
A report of 'Asian Development Research Group' suggests that the state committee of 'People's war', a radical outfit was dominated by Kurmi caste while those of MCC (Maoist Communist Centre) was dominated by the members of Yadav caste. The liberation (CPI(ML)), another radical outfit had its support base among the Koeri and the Yadav caste, which shifted away to electoral politics after the foundation of Rashtriya Janata Dal. This shift lead to weakening of the 'liberation' in Aurangabad and Nalanda district but the ideological commitment of the group, which also recruited from backward castes other than Yadav as well as some of the 'upper caste' too saved it from complete ruin.[3] However, the mass base of the naxalite groups like CPI (ML) remained dominated by the fighters belonging to Schedule Caste and Extremely Backward Caste (EBC).[4]
Sanskritisation and Politico-cultural transition in agrarian society
An important aspect of agrarian society of gangetic plain was Sanskritization, the phenomenon of historical and mythical underpinning of caste identities by the peasant and artisan castes in a bid to seek higher status. Among those who engaged in this effort, the Yadavs, Kushwaha and Kurmi were most visible. For much of the 20th century, these peasant castes had tilled the fertile soil of the Indo-Gangetic plain and were known for their hard working nature and cultivating skills. While many of them were small landholders and powerful tenants, a section of them included large landowner and tenant labourers. The varna system, upon which British understanding of Indian society was based, continued to recognise them as Shudra against their claim of Kshatriya status from the beginning of 1900, due to the expertise of Brahmins in the caste-hierarchy related matters.[5]
By claiming the noble Kshatriya past, these peasant communities challenged the socio-economic dominance of the elites which drew antipathy from the elite caste groups towards the Kshatriya reform movements which were portrayed as the question of dignity and self respect by the reformers. The first instance of this antipathy was the work of Kunwar Chheda Sinha who authored a book on anti-Kshatriya reform movement which avoided the social and cultural transformation undergoing in the contemporary society and connected the movement to aspiration of Jati activists seeking employment to the higher posts in government and the rising concern with caste pedigree was tied to the policy of hierarchical ranking in census office. The book published by Sinha in 1907 was circulated widely by the Rajput Anglo-Oriental Press to check the pace of upward mobility of the peasant communities in caste hierarchy.[5]
This antipathy of upper caste against the upper backwards continued until Congress remained in strong position within the state. The peak of this antipathy was witnessed after the Zamindari abolition which followed Indian independence from British rule. The Congress chose to make a successful coalition of the upper-caste, Dalits and Muslims and sidelined the agricultural castes which had benefitted from the Zamindari abolition. According to Ranbir Sammadar, the antagonism which was created by the land reforms between upper castes and the OBC castes specially the Kurmi and the Koeris could never overcome and the Yadavs, a herder caste were looked down with greatest contempt by the former because of their professional practice. The Yadavs also worked as Charvaha (herder) for the upper caste apart from traditional occupation of cattle husbandry and Milk business and had also benefitted from the Zamindari abolition but to the lesser extent than the other OBCs . The mockery or the (folk) jokes made by the upper-caste on them that, "Yadav attains intelligence not before the age of 60 years" portrayed them as the most rustic and the stupid people. The Yadav indeed were most discriminated caste amongst the upper OBCs[6]
Kshatriya reform movement among Yadavs
The Yadavs who claimed lineage to the mythological Yadu were one of the first among OBCs to claim Kshatriya status which was advocated alongside the control on womenfolk of the Jāti for the sake of bigger cause of the community. Baijnath Prasad Yadav, a Kshatriya reformers and a resident of Varanasi advocated the curb on independence of women and their participation in the public festivals where they were prone to the pollution caused by impure contact of many low Jātis that roam in the crowd. He also claimed that the root cause of all the unnecessary expenses in a house is due to the fickle greediness of the women. Despite the attempt of upper-caste to boycott the reformers [Yadavs] with the object of making it difficult to perform rituals for the attainment of Kshatriyahood, the better off section among them [Yadavs] arranged for the outsider Brahmins or the Nai (Hajjams) to initiate the rituals. Most often the officiation of the rituals also resulted in compelling the less fortunate Yadavs to prohibit their women from selling Goetha (cow dung cakes) in the market for alternative source of income as it was against the status of the community aspiration of Kshatriyahood. However, considering the need to do so they [poor Yadav women] were allowed to do so but in all matters they were supposed to follow the practices of the women of higher caste. Apart from the men the participation of womenfolk in Kshatriya reform movement was also a notable phenomenon which (according to Pinch) was for the upliftment of their gender status. Consequently, demands for legislation on Polygamy and education for both boys and girls became the central motto of mahila sammelans, which occurred in conjunction with the regional or national sammelans (conferences) of the Jati (Caste).[7]
Bhumihars, the claimants of Brahmin identity
Bhumihars were yet another caste seeking upliftment in social status much before the OBC castes like Yadav and Kushwaha. They were referred to as "Babhan" in Bihar and were concentrated prominently in Bihar and some part of Uttar Pradesh. The Bhumihars were classified in the colonial censuses as Shudra along with the scribe caste, Kayastha who were educationally equivalent to upper castes.[8] Prior to the formation of Bhumihar Brahmin Mahasabha in 1889 to seek the upliftment of socio-cultural status there were several theories regarding the origin of Bhumihars. According to Jogendra Nath Bhattacharya, they belonged to some "lower caste" who were promoted to the status of Brahmin by the order of a Raja who wanted the presence of a large number of Brahmins to celebrate his religious festivals. The other popular narrative featured them as belonging to a tribe called Bhuyans who gained land and claimed Brahmin status while according to another theory, a section of them were descendents of Rati Raut, a Goala (a herder)[9] or an offshoot of mixed marriages between Rajputs and Brahmins.[10]
By 1930s the great depression had swept over India and income from agricultural land were dwindling. It became clear that as the independence proceeds the Zamindari will soon come to an end and hence the caste associations started channelising the community support for the urbanisation. As a result numerous schools and colleges were set up in order to impart education to the community members to grab a share of power and income opportunity through employment in government services. The 'Bhumihar Brahmin Mahasabha' too followed the suit and its members became active for securing share in bureaucratic sector which was strongly dominated by the Kayasthas.[8]
The 'Bhumihar Brahmin Mahasabha' which was led by Sir Ganesh Dutt however feared a split in 1920 after the emergence of Sahajanand Saraswati as the leader of tenants and poorer section of the caste [Bhumihar]. Later, Sahajanand Saraswati also started playing important role in organising tenans under the banner of Kisan Sabhas. The Bhumihar's socio-political ascedency however remained unaffected after the Zamindari abolition drive of Kisan Sabha which helped elevate S.K Sinha, a leader of Kisan Sabha to the post of Chief Minister.[8]
The movement for caste upliftment in Koeri and Kurmi caste
Kurmis were another agricultural caste present in Bihar and were around 3 to 4% of Bihar's population in 1930s. They also claimed the Kshatriya status like the Yadavs, the ground for which was prepared by the Ramanandi Sampraday, which was a socio-cultural movement launched to bring Shudra castes into the fold of monastic order. The Kurmi leaders by late 19th century were the first among the low castes to claim a Kshatriya past by propagating stories through printed bulletins. Meanwhile, these stories also argued that the Kurmi and the Koeris (also called Kushwaha), a similar caste were the descendents of the twin sons of Rama and his wife Sita, Lav and Kush. The various subcaste of Koeris like Kachhi and Murao also claimed descent from Kusha but no attempt for merging these two groups [Kurmi and Koeri] ever occurred.[11]
The first Kurmi caste association was formed in Lucknow in 1894 to protest against the decision of colonial government to reduce the quota in the Police for the recruitment of Kurmis. However, the All India Kurmi Kshatriya Mahasabha was officially registered in 1910 . Before it launched its movement for socio-economic emancipation of the caste the other organisation formed prior to its foundation like the Kurmi sabha had made an unsuccessful attempt to fuse the castes like Maratha, Kapu and Patidar together under one umbrella. Later, they also tried to bring Koeri and Yadav together to form a political union called Triveni Sangh which appeared as a danger to the Congress due to its design to mobilise the peasant caste sharing same position in socio-economic ladder. Consequently, with the formation of Backward Class Federation by Congress leadership and mobilisation of peasant leaders like Bir Chand Patel and Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav, the Triveni Sangh movement failed to create long lasting impact in politics.[11]
According to scholars, the three caste failed to unite together due to co-option of Kurmi leaders (like Bir Chand Patel) and Yadav leaders (like Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav) with the Congress and also because of superiority complex inherent in Yadavs vis a vis the other two castes viz. Koeri and the Kurmi. By using pseudo historical grounds to give weight to their arguments, Yadavs claimed to be the natural leaders of the backwards which created a drift between the three castes.[11] The Kurmi were known as a tribe rather than caste prior to 1894 who were introduced into Hindu society as "hard working" agriculturists. Their predatory practices prior to the mentioned time frame led to the colonial government classifying them as Criminal Tribe. The word "Kurmi" itself is understood to be derived from "tortoise", a tribal totem. The politicization of Kurmis and gradual expansion of the caste made the Awadhiya of Patna, Mahto of Chhotanagpur and Dhanuk of north Bihar identity with them as a result all these groups started calling themselves "Kurmi".[12] According to Ashwani Kumar:
...the Kurmis historically enjoyed the reputation of a violent caste and ruthless Kulak, that attempted to impose feudal dominance and consideration of hierarchy over Dalits. In fact, one of the early caste army in Bihar is directly attributed to the social ascedency of Kurmis in state.[12]
In contrast to them, the Koeris (according to Kumar) are horticulturist caste who are generally considered as non aggressive and disinterested in caste riots. They also attempted to seek Kshatriya status and formed "Kushwaha Kshatriya Mahasabha" as their nodal caste association in 1922. Historically, Koeris have participated in increasing horizontal mobilisation of caste association of backward castes in Bihar. [12] They have also participated in armed movements under the banner of CPI(ML) in Patna, Bhojpur, Aurangabad and Rohtas district of Bihar.[13] In some of the district of Bihar, they are infamous for their notorious and criminal affairs.[14] India Today reported in 1994 that in some of the adjoining reasons of the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, caste based gangs of Koeri and Kurmi dacoits exists which are indulged in predatory practices against inhabitants as well as member of rival caste gangs.[15]
The lower backwards and Dalits
The agrarian society of Bihar also consisted the large section of unprivileged people who belonged to the lower backwards castes or the Dalit castes. Unlike upper backwards, the Koeri, Kurmi and Yadav these caste groups hailed primarily from artisan background and had remained associated with variety of low scale non agricultural activities in past. The prominent among them were Nai (Barber caste), Mallah (fisherman), Kumhars (potters) and the Barhai (carpenter). According to Mungeri Lal commission report the lower backwards were distributed across 108 caste groups and comprised 32% of the population of Bihar. But despite of their large population these castes had suffered marginalisation in politico-economic corridor at the hands of both upper castes and later the upper backwards. In the initial year of Lalu Yadav's rule some of the leaders of these caste groups attained political power but with the building of personality cult and charisma of Yadav and popularity of his "muscular social justice" the leadership shifted to Yadav caste completely.[12]
Since these castes were geographically scattered and doesn't hold dominance in terms of population in any constituency, they remained ineffective to create any political impact in the state on a large scale until 2001 when they won a large number of seats in Mukhia and Zila Parishad elections and other bodies at the local level of government. Nitish Kumar is credited for bringing these caste groups in political limelight with his focus on "Atipichhda" (Extremely Backward Castes), he created a social coalition of these castes along with his core support groups to oust Lalu Yadav from power .[12]
Unlike artisan group which were less discriminated, the another community i.e the Dalits have faced historical discrimination by the upper-castes. They were untouchables and mostly belonged to the agricultural labour class who were landless. They comprised 15.7% of the state of Bihar according to various censuses and were distributed primarily across Gaya, Nawada, Kishanganj, Aurangabad and Kaimur. The Indian National Congress in the Bihar provided mileage to Dalit politics in pre Mandal [1990] period. The leaders like Jagjivan Ram, who hailed from Chamar caste were tallest leader at the national level in Congress. The Dalits were worst sufferers of routine caste massacre which were post independence [1947] phenomenon in rural Bihar. They were later mobilised by the Maoist groups and became assertive for their rights in agrarian setup. With the beginning of Mandal politics, the Dalits started supporting Lalu Yadav's politics of social justice but shifted to Lok Janshakti Party after the emergence of Ram Vilas Paswan, a politically astute Socialist leader.[12]
Confrontations and face-offs
The changing agrarian relations and the zeal of aspiring peasant castes to improve their cultural status resulted in face-offs between the elite , "upper caste" and the former. The most common form of antipathy was social boycott of the backward castes vowing to attain a Kshatriya identity, which was witnessed by the attempts of the "twice born" caste groups to make it difficult for the Yadavs to perform the necessary rituals. These antipathy later started turning into violence and caste riots as witnessed in 'Lakhochak riots (1925)', where a Jāti conference of Yadavs was brutally attacked by Bhumihars.[16]
-William Pinch
(Peasants and monk in British India.)[16]
Similarly, the Janeu movement which urged the OBC castes to wear 'sacred thread' also met with the same fate and antipathy by the upper castes. The Janeu refers to a sacred thread won by the upper castes after the Upanayana ceremony which allots to them the "twice born" status. When the Goalas of Bihar initiated the Janeu movement i.e started wearing it to uplift their cultural status in first decade of 20th century, they received sharp resistance from the Bhumihars and Thakurs.[17]
Meanwhile, the economic prosperity of upper caste was waning as they could hardly make productive yield out of their large plots of land without the help of sharecroppers or hired labourers. In contrast to them the peasant castes used the labour of their family members to extract more and more from their holdings. There also existed the notion of high "ritual status" which forbaded the upper caste from touching the plow in the period under consideration which is observed by revenue specialists like Denzil Ibbetson and mentioned by Susan Bayly, who blames them for being responsible for their own decline. Praising the peasant castes for their skill and hard work Bayly also argues that if they become indebted, it is not due to their deeds but because of the moneylending Bania. Bayly observes that the Rajputs and the Brahmins who took pride in shunning the plough and secluding their womenfolk ends up selling their unproductive holdings.[18]
Post Independence
The rural Bihar witnessed a remarkable shift owning to the liquidation of Zamindari in post independence period. As a result the Big landlords and Maharajas started losing control over the tenants and the legal ways to keep a tab on the later also became ineffective. Growing naxalite pressure and the ceiling laws which made the possession of land above certain ceiling an offence, made upper caste landlords sell off some of their vulnerable holdings which were increasingly bought by the middle caste peasants. The Koeri, Kurmi and the Yadav peasantry pushed ahead of others. There also existed a bond between these peasant castes and their land, which were treated by them [peasants] as their most productive asset. Arun Sinha mentions the variety of causes for the upper castes to sell their lands. While, most of them were forced by "land grab campaign" of leftists and were happy with whatever prices they got in the deal, a lot of them also sold it off for lavish weddings and the professional education of their children.[19]
The reduction in landholdings of the upper-castes synchronised with their rapid urbanisation. By the 1970, the standards of judging individual progress by urbanisation brought them more frequently to the towns than the backward castes. Since, the upper-caste themselves hardly engaged in agriculture in those days, their descendents (according to Sinha) chosed to live in cities while the backwards remained deeply rooted in their villages.[19]
- Ranabir Samaddar (2018). "15. Reports Rural poor and Armed labourers of Bihar 1960s-1970s". From Popular Movements to Rebellion: The Naxalite Decade. Routledge. ISBN 978-0429648977. Retrieved 2020-12-25.
- George J. Kunnath (2017). Rebels From the Mud Houses: Dalits and the Making of the Maoist Revolution in Bihar. Routledge. pp. 33–35. ISBN 1351418742. Retrieved 7 January 2020.
- Ranabir Samaddar. Government of Peace: Social Governance, Security and the Problematic of Peace. Routledge, 2016. p. 182. ISBN 131712538X. Retrieved 7 January 2020.
- Ranabir Samaddar (2016). Government of Peace: Social Governance, Security and the Problematic of Peace. Routledge. p. 178. ISBN 1317125371. Retrieved 7 January 2020.
- William Pinch (1996). Peasants and Monks in British India. University of California Press. p. 115-116. ISBN 0520200616. Retrieved 2020-12-31.
- Ranabir Samaddar (2016). Government of Peace: Social Governance, Security and the Problematic of Peace. Routledge. p. 169. ISBN 978-1317125372. Retrieved 2021-01-01.
- William Pinch (1996). Peasants and Monks in British India. University of California Press. pp. 124–125. ISBN 0520200616. Retrieved 2020-12-31.
- Witsoe, Jeffrey (3 December 2020). Democracy against Development: Lower-Caste Politics and Political Modernity in Postcolonial India. University of Chicago Press. p. 31-33. ISBN 978-0-226-06350-8.
- S. N. Sadasivan (2000). A Social History of India. APH Publishing. p. 238. ISBN 817648170X. Retrieved 2020-12-03.
- Kumar, Ashwani (2008). Community Warriors: State, Peasants and Caste Armies in Bihar. Anthem Press. p. 125. ISBN 978-1-84331-709-8.
- William Pinch (1996). Peasants and Monks in British India. University of California Press. p. 197-199. ISBN 0520200616. Retrieved 2020-12-31.
- Kumar, Ashwani (2008). Community Warriors: State, Peasants and Caste Armies in Bihar. Anthem Press. pp. 34–38. ISBN 978-1-84331-709-8.
- Ranabir Samaddar (3 March 2016). "Bihar 1990-2011". Government of Peace: Social Governance, Security and the Problematic of Peace. Routledge, 2016. p. 178. ISBN 978-1317125372. Retrieved 2020-10-05.
- Thakur, Minni (2010). Women Empowerment Through Panchayati Raj Institutions. Concept Publishing Company. p. 31. ISBN 978-8180696800. Retrieved 2020-06-16.
- "After having plagued Bihar, Uttar Pradesh police wake up to the menace of dacoit gangs". India Today. Archived from the original on 7 January 2021. Retrieved 6 January 2021.
- William Pinch (1996). Peasants and Monks in British India. University of California Press. p. 122. ISBN 0520200616. Retrieved 2020-12-31.
- Sandria B. Freitag (1992). Culture and Power in Banaras: Community, Performance, and Environment, 1800-1980. University of California Press. p. 137. ISBN 0520080947. Retrieved 2020-01-04.
- Bayly, Susan (2001). Caste, Society and Politics in India from the Eighteenth Century to the Modern Age. Cambridge University Press. p. 212. ISBN 0521798426. Retrieved 2020-06-30.
- Sinha, A. (2011). Nitish Kumar and the Rise of Bihar. Viking. p. 80-82. ISBN 978-0-670-08459-3. Retrieved 7 April 2015.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
Further readings
- Sankarshan Thakur (2015). The Brothers Bihari. Harper Collins. ISBN 9351774813.
- Sankarshan Thakur (2014). Single Man : The Life and Time of Nitish Kumar of Bihar. HarperCollins. ISBN 9350297787.
- Corbridge, Stuart; Williams, Glyn; Srivastava, Manoj; Véron, René. Seeing the State: Governance and Governmentality in India. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-139-44575-7.
- Pararia mass rape: After it shocked India, judgement doubts character of the women
- Andrew Byrnes; Jane Frances Connors; Lum Bik (1997). Advancing the Human Rights of Women: Using International Human Rights Standards in Domestic Litigation. Commonwealth Secretariat. ISBN 0850925150.