Alsophila (plant)
Alsophila is a genus of tree ferns in the family Cyatheaceae.[1] It has also been considered to be a section in the subgenus Cyathea of the genus Cyathea.
Alsophila | |
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Alsophila capensis | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Kingdom: | Plantae |
Clade: | Tracheophytes |
Class: | Polypodiopsida |
Order: | Cyatheales |
Family: | Cyatheaceae |
Genus: | Alsophila R.Br.[1] |

Species of Alsophila have a treelike growth habit, with an erect trunk that rarely branches, or sometimes a more shrublike habit, with a creeping stem. Their fronds are large, with a strawlike stalk (stipe), dark brown or black in colour. Brown or dark brown scales are present, with distinct margins. The blade (lamina) of the frond is divided one to three times (one- to three-pinnate). The sori (spore-producing structures) are rounded and borne on smaller veins on the lower surface of the frond. An indusium (a covering to the sori) may or may not be present; if present initially, it may be lost as the frond ages.[2]
Alsophila is now separated from the other genera in the family Cyatheaceae primarily on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies.[1] The scales on the stalks (petioles) provide a morphological distinction. Alsophila has scales with distinct margins, unlike Sphaeropteris, and with an apical hair or spine (seta), unlike Cyathea. The ornamentation of the spores also distinguishes Alsophila and Cyathea.[3][4]
The genus Alsophila was erected by Robert Brown in 1810.[5] It is placed in the family Cyatheaceae.[1] The division of the family into genera has had a long and controversial history.[4] Three or four clades have been suggested based on molecular phylogenetic studies. The Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I) accepts three genera, placing the Gymnosphaera clade within Alsophila.[1] In 2018, Dong and Zuo proposed the relationship shown in the cladogram below, and provided names in Gymnosphaera for species they considered to belong in this genus.[6]
Cyatheaceae |
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Older sources, such as the New Zealand Organisms Register as of October 2000 and Large and Braggins (2004), place Alsophila within a broadly defined Cyathea.[7][8]
The Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I) accepts the genus Alsophila with 275 species.[1] As of August 2019, the Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World accepted the following species:[9]
- Alsophila abbottii (syn. Cyathea abbottii)
- Alsophila acanthophora (syn. Cyathea acanthophora)
- Alsophila acaulis (syn. Cyathea hancockii)
- Alsophila acrostichoides (syn. Cyathea acrostichoides)
- Alsophila acuminata (syn. Cyathea acuminata)
- Alsophila acutula
- Alsophila albida
- Alsophila alderwereltii (syn. Cyathea alderwereltii)
- Alsophila alleniae (syn. Cyathea alleniae)
- Alsophila alpina (syn. Cyathea alpicola)
- Alsophila alta
- Alsophila alternans
- Alsophila alticola
- Alsophila amboinensis (syn. Cyathea amboinensis)
- Alsophila andersonii (syn. Cyathea andersonii)
- Alsophila andohahelensis
- Alsophila aneitensis (syn. Cyathea aneitensis)
- Alsophila angiensis
- Alsophila annae (syn. Cyathea annae)
- Alsophila apiculata (syn. Cyathea apiculata)
- Alsophila apoensis (syn. Cyathea apoensis)
- Alsophila appendiculata
- Alsophila approximata (syn. Cyathea approximata)
- Alsophila archboldii (syn. Cyathea archboldii)
- Alsophila atropurpurea (syn. Cyathea atropurpurea)
- Alsophila auneae (syn. Cyathea pubescens)
- Alsophila auriculata
- Alsophila australis (syn. Cyathea australis)
- Alsophila austroyunnanensis
- Alsophila baileyana (syn. Cyathea baileyana)
- Alsophila balanocarpa (syn. Cyathea balanocarpa)
- Alsophila basirotundata
- Alsophila batjanensis (syn. Cyathea batjanensis)
- Alsophila bellisquamata
- Alsophila biformis (syn. Cyathea biformis)
- Alsophila binayana
- Alsophila bisquamata
- Alsophila boiviniiformis
- Alsophila borbonica
- Alsophila borneensis (syn. Cyathea borneensis)
- Alsophila × boytelii
- Alsophila brausei (syn. Cyathea hunsteiniana)
- Alsophila brevipinna (syn. Cyathea brevipinna)
- Alsophila brooksii (syn. Cyathea brooksii)
- Alsophila bryophila (syn. Cyathea bryophila)
- Alsophila buennemeijeri
- Alsophila bullata
- Alsophila callosa (syn. Cyathea callosa)
- Alsophila camerooniana (syn. Cyathea camerooniana)
- Alsophila capensis (syn. Cyathea capensis)
- Alsophila catillifera (syn. Cyathea catillifera)
- Alsophila caudata (syn. Cyathea caudata)
- Alsophila celebica
- Alsophila celsa
- Alsophila cincinnata (syn. Cyathea cincinnata)
- Alsophila cinerea (syn. Cyathea cinerea)
- Alsophila coactilis (syn. Cyathea coactilis)
- Alsophila colensoi (syn. Cyathea colensoi)
- Alsophila commutata (syn. Cyathea recommutata)
- Alsophila conantiana
- Alsophila conferta
- Alsophila confinis
- Alsophila costalisora (syn. Cyathea costalisora)
- Alsophila coursii
- Alsophila crenulata (syn. Cyathea raciborskii)
- Alsophila crinita
- Alsophila cubensis
- Alsophila cucullifera (syn. Cyathea cucullifera)
- Alsophila cunninghamii (syn. Cyathea cunninghamii)
- Alsophila cuspidata (syn. Cyathea cuspidata)
- Alsophila dealbata (syn. Cyathea dealbata, silver fern)
- Alsophila deckenii (syn. Cyathea deckenii)
- Alsophila decrescens (syn. Cyathea decrescens)
- Alsophila dicksonioides (syn. Cyathea dicksonioides)
- Alsophila dilatata
- Alsophila dimorpha (syn. Cyathea dimorpha)
- Alsophila doctersii (syn. Cyathea doctersii)
- Alsophila dregei (syn. Cyathea dregei)
- Alsophila dryopteroides (syn. Cyathea dryopteroides)
- Alsophila edanoi (syn. Cyathea edanoi)
- Alsophila elata
- Alsophila emilei
- Alsophila engelii (syn. Cyathea elongata)
- Alsophila erinacea (syn. Cyathea erinacea)
- Alsophila eriophora (syn. Cyathea eriophora)
- Alsophila esmeraldensis
- Alsophila everta (syn. Cyathea everta)
- Alsophila excavata (syn. Cyathea excavata)
- Alsophila × fagildei
- Alsophila fenicis (syn. Cyathea fenicis)
- Alsophila ferdinandii (syn. Cyathea macarthurii)
- Alsophila ferruginea (syn. Cyathea ferruginea)
- Alsophila firma (syn. Cyathea mexicana)
- Alsophila foersteri (syn. Cyathea foersteri)
- Alsophila fulgens (syn. Cyathea fulgens)
- Alsophila fuliginosa (syn. Cyathea fuliginosa)
- Alsophila gastonyi
- Alsophila geluensis (syn. Cyathea geluensis)
- Alsophila gigantea (syn. Cyathea gigantea)
- Alsophila glaberrima (syn. Cyathea glaberrima)
- Alsophila glabra (syn. Cyathea glabra)
- Alsophila glaucifolia
- Alsophila gleichenioides (syn. Cyathea gleichenioides)
- Alsophila grangaudiana
- Alsophila gregaria (syn. Cyathea gregaria)
- Alsophila grevilleana (syn. Cyathea grevilleana)
- Alsophila halconensis (syn. Cyathea halconensis)
- Alsophila havilandii (syn. Cyathea havilandii)
- Alsophila hebes
- Alsophila henryi (syn. Cyathea henryi)
- Alsophila hermannii (syn. Cyathea christii)
- Alsophila heterochlamydea (syn. Cyathea heterochlamydea)
- Alsophila hooglandii (syn. Cyathea hooglandii)
- Alsophila hookeri (syn. Cyathea hookeri)
- Alsophila hornei (syn. Cyathea hornei)
- Alsophila horridula (syn. Cyathea horridula)
- Alsophila hotteana (syn. Cyathea hotteana)
- Alsophila humbertiana
- Alsophila humilis (syn. Cyathea humilis)
- Alsophila hyacinthei
- Alsophila hymenodes (syn. Cyathea hymenodes)
- Alsophila imbricata (syn. Cyathea imbricata)
- Alsophila impolita
- Alsophila imrayana (syn. Cyathea imrayana)
- Alsophila incana (syn. Cyathea incana)
- Alsophila incisoserrata (syn. Cyathea incisoserrata)
- Alsophila inquinans (syn. Cyathea inquinans)
- Alsophila insulana (syn. Cyathea insulana)
- Alsophila isaloensis
- Alsophila javanica (syn. Cyathea javanica)
- Alsophila jimeneziana (syn. Cyathea crassa)
- Alsophila junghuhniana (syn. Cyathea junghuhniana)
- Alsophila katoi
- Alsophila kermadecensis (syn. Cyathea kermadecensis)
- Alsophila khasyana (syn. Cyathea khasyana)
- Alsophila kirkii
- Alsophila klossii (syn. Cyathea klossii)
- Alsophila lamoureuxii
- Alsophila lastii
- Alsophila latebrosa (syn. Cyathea latebrosa)
- Alsophila latipinnula (syn. Cyathea latipinnula)
- Alsophila leichhardtiana
- Alsophila lepidoclada (syn. Cyathea lepidoclada)
- Alsophila lepifera
- Alsophila leptochlamys
- Alsophila ligulata
- Alsophila lilianiae (syn. Cyathea kanehirae)
- Alsophila lisyae
- Alsophila loerzingii (syn. Cyathea loerzingii)
- Alsophila loheri (syn. Cyathea loheri)
- Alsophila longipes (syn. Cyathea longipes)
- Alsophila longipinnata
- Alsophila longispina
- Alsophila lurida (syn. Cyathea lurida)
- Alsophila macgillivrayi (syn. Cyathea macgillivrayi)
- Alsophila macgregorii (syn. Cyathea macgregorii)
- Alsophila macropoda (syn. Cyathea macropoda)
- Alsophila magnifolia (syn. Cyathea magnifolia)
- Alsophila major
- Alsophila manniana (syn. Cyathea manniana)
- Alsophila mapahuwensis
- Alsophila marattioides (syn. Cyathea marattioides)
- Alsophila × marcescens (syn. Cyathea × marcescens)
- Alsophila masapilidensis (syn. Cyathea masapilidensis)
- Alsophila matitanensis (syn. Cyathea madagascarica)
- Alsophila media (syn. Cyathea media)
- Alsophila medinae (syn. Cyathea × medinae)
- Alsophila melleri
- Alsophila meridionalis
- Alsophila mesosora (syn. Cyathea mesosora)
- Alsophila metteniana (syn. Cyathea metteniana)
- Alsophila microchlamys (syn. Cyathea microchlamys)
- Alsophila microphylloides (syn. Cyathea microphylloides)
- Alsophila mildbraedii (syn. Cyathea mildbraedii)
- Alsophila milnei (syn. Cyathea milnei)
- Alsophila minervae
- Alsophila minor (syn. Cyathea minor)
- Alsophila modesta (syn. Cyathea modesta)
- Alsophila montana (syn. Cyathea costulisora)
- Alsophila mossambicensis (syn. Cyathea mossambicensis)
- Alsophila mostellaria
- Alsophila muelleri (syn. Cyathea muelleri)
- Alsophila murkelensis
- Alsophila negrosiana (syn. Cyathea negrosiana)
- Alsophila nicklesii (syn. Cyathea nicklesii)
- Alsophila nigrolineata (syn. Cyathea nigrolineata)
- Alsophila nigropaleata (syn. Cyathea nigropaleata)
- Alsophila nilgirensis (syn. Cyathea nilgirensis)
- Alsophila nockii (syn. Cyathea nockii)
- Alsophila obtecta
- Alsophila obtusiloba (syn. Cyathea obtusiloba)
- Alsophila odonelliana
- Alsophila ogurae (syn. Cyathea ogurae)
- Alsophila ohaensis
- Alsophila oinops (syn. Cyathea oinops)
- Alsophila oosora (syn. Cyathea oosora)
- Alsophila orientalis (syn. Cyathea orientalis)
- Alsophila orthogonalis
- Alsophila pachyrrhachis (syn. Cyathea pachyrrhachis)
- Alsophila pacifica
- Alsophila pallidipaleata (syn. Cyathea pallidipaleata)
- Alsophila patellifera (syn. Cyathea patellifera)
- Alsophila percrassa (syn. Cyathea percrassa)
- Alsophila perpelvigera (syn. Cyathea perpelvigera)
- Alsophila perpunctulata (syn. Cyathea perpunctulata)
- Alsophila perrieriana (syn. Cyathea perrieriana)
- Alsophila phlebodes
- Alsophila physolepidota (syn. Cyathea physolepidota)
- Alsophila pilosula
- Alsophila plagiostegia (syn. Cyathea plagiostegia)
- Alsophila podophylla (syn. Cyathea podophylla)
- Alsophila polycarpa (syn. Cyathea polycarpa)
- Alsophila polystichoides (syn. Cyathea polystichoides)
- Alsophila poolii
- Alsophila portoricensis (syn. Cyathea portoricensis)
- Alsophila pruinosa (syn. Cyathea pruinosa)
- Alsophila pseudobellisquamara
- Alsophila pseudomuelleri (syn. Cyathea pseudomuelleri)
- Alsophila punctulata (syn. Cyathea punctulata)
- Alsophila pycnoneura (syn. Cyathea pycnoneura)
- Alsophila quadrata
- Alsophila ramispina (syn. Cyathea ramispina)
- Alsophila ramispinoides
- Alsophila rebeccae (syn. Cyathea rebeccae)
- Alsophila recurvata (syn. Cyathea recurvata)
- Alsophila rigens (syn. Cyathea rigens)
- Alsophila rolandii
- Alsophila roroka
- Alsophila rosenstockii (syn. Cyathea ascendens)
- Alsophila rouhaniana
- Alsophila rubella (syn. Cyathea rubella)
- Alsophila rubiginosa (syn. Cyathea rubiginosa)
- Alsophila rufopannosa (syn. Cyathea rufopannosa)
- Alsophila rupestris (syn. Cyathea rupestris)
- Alsophila saccata (syn. Cyathea saccata)
- Alsophila salletii (syn. Cyathea salletii)
- Alsophila salvinii (syn. Cyathea salvinii)
- Alsophila scandens (syn. Cyathea scandens)
- Alsophila schlechteri (syn. Cyathea schlechteri)
- Alsophila schliebenii (syn. Cyathea fadenii)
- Alsophila sechellarum (syn. Cyathea sechellarum)
- Alsophila semiamplectens (syn. Cyathea semiamplectens)
- Alsophila serratifolia (syn. Cyathea serratifolia)
- Alsophila setosa (syn. Cyathea setosa)
- Alsophila setulosa (syn. Cyathea setulosa)
- Alsophila similis
- Alsophila simulans
- Alsophila sinuata (syn. Cyathea sinuata)
- Alsophila smithii (syn. Cyathea smithii)
- Alsophila societarum
- Alsophila solomonensis (syn. Cyathea solomonensis)
- Alsophila spinulosa (syn. Cyathea spinulosa)
- Alsophila stelligera
- Alsophila sternbergii
- Alsophila subdubia (syn. Cyathea subdubia)
- Alsophila subtripinnata (syn. Cyathea subtripinnata)
- Alsophila sumatrana (syn. Cyathea sumatrana)
- Alsophila tanzaniana (syn. Cyathea schliebenii)
- Alsophila tenuis (syn. Cyathea tenuicaulis)
- Alsophila ternatea (syn. Cyathea ternatea)
- Alsophila thomsonii (syn. Cyathea thomsonii)
- Alsophila tryoniana (syn. Cyathea tryoniana)
- Alsophila tsaratananensis
- Alsophila tsilotsilensis (syn. Cyathea tsilotsilensis)
- Alsophila tussacii (syn. Cyathea tussacii)
- Alsophila tuyamae
- Alsophila urbanii (syn. Cyathea urbanii)
- Alsophila valdesquamata
- Alsophila vandeusenii (syn. Cyathea vandeusenii)
- Alsophila veitchii
- Alsophila vieillardii (syn. Cyathea vieillardii)
- Alsophila viguieri
- Alsophila walkerae (syn. Cyathea walkerae)
- Alsophila weidenbrueckii
- Alsophila welwitschii (syn. Cyathea welwitschii)
- Alsophila wengiensis (syn. Cyathea wengiensis)
- Alsophila woodwardioides (syn. Cyathea woodwardioides)
- Alsophila woollsiana (syn. Cyathea woollsiana)
- Alsophila zakamenensis (syn. Cyathea zakamenensis
Distribution and habitat
The genus Alsophila is native in tropical and subtropical areas, from North and South America, through Africa, Madagascar and tropical Asia, to eastern Australasia as far south as the subantarctic Auckland Islands.[10][2] It is found in moist montane forests, on slopes or in ravines, forming part of the lower canopy, middle understorey, or ground layers.[2]
Alsophila species all require frost-free or virtually frost-free, permanently moist, shaded conditions. Those which have been grown in Europe outside their native habitat include A. australis, A. cunninghamii, A. dealbata, A. leichhardtiana and A. rebeccae.[11] Other species are grown in their native regions. In Australia, A. australis is commonly grown and is a robust species, capable of tolerating some sun if kept in moist soil.[12] A. dregei is a popular garden plant in South Africa, with plants being collected for use from the wild sufficiently often to cause it to become extinct in some areas.[13]
The silver fern, Alsophila dealbata has become a widely recognised symbol of New Zealand, although it is not an official national symbol.[14]
In the 1971 comedy film A New Leaf, Henrietta Lowell (played by Elaine May) is a botanist whose dream is to classify a new species of fern. On a honeymoon trip, she indeed discovers a new species which she names Alsophila grahami after her new husband Henry Graham (Walter Matthau). She describes the plant as having a vestigial indusium.
- PPG I (2016). "A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns". Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 54 (6): 563–603. doi:10.1111/jse.12229.
- Zhang, Xianchun & Nishida, Harufumi. "Alsophila". In Wu, Zhengyi; Raven, Peter H. & Hong, Deyuan (eds.). Flora of China (online). Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- Weigand, Anna & Lehnert, Marcus (2016), "The scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae-Polypodiopsida) of Brazil", Acta Botanica Brasilica, 30 (3), doi:10.1590/0102-33062016abb0065
- Korall, Petra; Conant, David S.; Metzgar, Jordan S.; Schneider, Harald & Pryer, Kathleen M. (2007). "A molecular phylogeny of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae)". American Journal of Botany. 94 (5): 873–886. doi:10.3732/ajb.94.5.873. Retrieved 2019-08-22.
- "Alsophila R.Br". The International Plant Names Index. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- Dong, Shi-Yong & Zuo, Zheng-Yu (2018). "On the Recognition of Gymnosphaera As a Distinct Genus in Cyatheaceae". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 103 (1): 1–23. doi:10.3417/2017049.
- "Alsophila R.Br.", NZOR New Zealand Organisms Register, October 2000, retrieved 2019-09-27
- Large, Mark F. & Braggins, John E. (2004). Tree Ferns. Timber Press. ISBN 978-0-88192-630-9.
- Hassler, Michael & Schmitt, Bernd (June 2019). Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World. Retrieved 2019-08-21.
- "Alsophila R.Br". Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 2019-09-27.
- Walters, S.M.; Brady, A.; Brickell, C.D.; Cullen, J.; Green, P.S.; Lewis, J.; Matthews, V.A.; Webb, D.A.; Yeo, P.F. & Alexander, J.C.M., eds. (1986), "Alsophila", European Garden Flora, 1, Cambridge University Press, p. 35, ISBN 978-0-521-76147-5
- "Cyathea australis, Cyathea cooperi", Growing Native Plants, Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, retrieved 2019-09-27
- Masinga, Nonhlanhla; Nduli, Luckyboy; Skhosana, Mlondi & Notten, Alice (November 2018), "Alsophila dregei ",, retrieved 2019-09-27
- "Government and nation - National animal and flower". Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 3 March 2009. Retrieved 2019-09-27.