Amshinov (Yiddish: אמשינאוו) is a Polish Hasidic dynasty originating from the town of Mszczonów, Poland, where it was founded by Yaakov Dovid Kalish, the son of Israel Yitzhak Kalish. Amshinov is a branch of Warka Hasidism, which in part is a branch of Peshischa Hasidism, as Israel Yitzhak Kalish was a leading disciple of Simcha Bunim of Peshischa (1765-1827).

The first Amshinover Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Kalish, was a son of Rabbi Israel Yitzhak Kalish (Yitzchok of Vurka), the (first) Vurker Rebbe.
Rabbi Yitzchok of Warka (Yiddish: Vurka) was a disciple of Grand Rabbi Dovid Biderman of Lelov (1746–1814), who was a disciple of the Seer of Lublin, who was a disciple of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, who was a disciple of Rabbi Dovber of Mezeritch (the Maggid), the senior disciple of Rabbi Yisroel ben Eliezer (The Baal Shem Tov), the founder of Hasidism. After the death of Rabbi Dovid Biderman of Lelov, Rabbi Yitzchok became a disciple of Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa.
Rabbi Yaakov Dovid died in 1878 (ד' כסלו תרל"ח) and was succeeded as Amshinover Rebbe by one of his sons, Menachem Kalish.
When Rabbi Menachem died in 1917 (ט"ז כסלו תרע"ח), his son, Rabbi Yosef, became the Rebbe in Amshinov, and the other son, Rabbi Shimon Sholom, became rebbe in Otwock (Yiddish: אטוואצק Otvotsk). Rabbi Shimon was a major driving force behind the exodus of thousands of young men in Kletzk, Radin, Novhardok, and other yeshivas via Japan to Shanghai at the outbreak of World War II. By the time Shanghai came under Japanese control, it held 26,000 Jews.
Rabbi Yerachmiel Yehuda Myer Kalish (1901–1976) of Amshinov, a son of Rabbi Shimon Sholom, was born in Przysucha (Yiddish: פּשיסכע Pshiskhe), Poland. He studied Torah with his grandfather, Rabbi Menachem of Amshinov.
After the war, Rabbi Shimon moved to the United States. Upon his death in 1954 (י"ט אב תשי"ד), Rabbi Myer accompanied Rabbi Shimon's body to Tiberias in Israel, and remained there. Rabbi Myer later moved to Tel Aviv, and then to the Bayit Vegan neighbourhood of Jerusalem. Rabbi Myer was noted for his greatness in Torah scholarship, as well as his warmth and sensitivity to all.
Present rebbes
Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Yeshia Milikowsky was born in the United States. He is the present Amshinover Rebbe in the Bayit Vegan section of Jerusalem. He is the grandson and successor of Rabbi Yerachmiel Yehudah Meir Kalish of Amshinov, son of Rabbi Chaim and Rebbetzin Chayah Nechamah Milikowsky, daughter of Rabbi Yerachmiel Yehudah Meir Kalish.
He prays for hours on end, meditating on every word, as a result of which he ends the Sabbath very late. Once an adam gadol, a very learned man, discussed the Halachic implications of the Rebbe's zmanim with the late Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Reb Shlomo Zalman referred to the Rebbe as a "Pillar of Fire" and advised his questioner that one who touches fire will be burnt. The Rebbe is also the mentor of the famous Hasidic preacher, R. Tzvi Maier Zilberberg who considers himself an Amshinov chassid. The renowned rabbi, Reb Yitzchok "Itche" Meyer Morgenstern, the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Toras Chochom considers the Amshinov Rebbe the "Tzadik HaDor."
The Amshinover Rebbe is widely known within the Haredi world, and is regarded within Hassidic circles for his exceptional Ahavas Yisroel, love of every Jew; In the present generation the Rebbe himself is considered a "pillar of tefillah" and davens for hours on end.
In 2015 the rebbe founded a new organization called Tzedaka V'chesed Amshinov as a charity in memory of Rebbe Meir Ba'al HaNes.
The Rebbe is also known for his outstanding advice in medical matters. HaRav Meier Bransdorfer, z"l advised the Rebbeim of "A Time" to consult with the Amshinov Rebbe – "a eish gadol meod" regarding complicated medical shailas. His advice is sought after on very delicate matters worldwide.
New York
Rabbi Yosef Kalish II was the previous Amshinover Rebbe in the Boro Park section of Brooklyn, New York City. He was the son of Rabbi Yitzchak Kalish of Amshinov, who was the son of Rabbi Yosef Kalish of Amshinov, the brother of Rabbi Shimon Shalom Kalish of Amshinov. He died from complications from the Covid19 virus during the coronavirus epidemic on April 5, 2020.[1] He was 63 years old.
His two children took over the older one Rabbi Menachem Kalish Became the rebbe in Boro Park the second one Rabbi Osher chaim Kalish took over in Bet Shemesh In Israel
Lineage of the Amshinov dynasty