Antonio Saggio
Legal career
Antonio Saggio was born in Naples on 19 February 1934. He received a degree in Law from the University of Naples, with a thesis in international law entitled "War of Peoples or of Armies?" Beginning his career as a magistrate, he was quickly appointed Judge of the Ordinary Courts (first instance). In 1973, he was appointed to the Court of Appeals and from 1974 to 1978 he provided counsel to the Legal Office of the Minister of Justice. In 1980, he was appointed to the Rome Court of Cassation (last instance) Research Office of the Constitutional Court where he reviewed and prepared briefs and provided counsel to the sitting court. From 1988 to 1989, he served as a member of the Council of Advisors to the Chief Justice. In 2001, he was appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Cassation Civil Division I, a position he held through 2005.
International Law and Negotiations
From 1977 to 1978, he represented the Government of Italy in the negotiations to conclude an agreement on the extradition of persons accused of crimes of terrorism (Conferences of Copenhagen, Brussels and London). In 1978, he represented the Government of Italy in the United Nations Committee for the examination of the Convention on Terrorism and Hijacking. From 1985 to 1988, he served as Chairman of a group installed by the Permanent Council of the European Union that successfully negotiated a Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments. In 1988, he takes part in the Diplomatic Conference of Lugano that adopts the Convention.
Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice
From 1979 to 1984, he was at the Court of Justice of the European Union as rapporteur of the Advocate General. From 1989 to 1995, he was Judge at the Court of First Instance (now the General Court of the European Union), serving as its Presiding Justice from 1995 to 1998. In March 1998, he was designated Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union, an office he holds until 2000.[1]
Scholarship and Academics
He held positions as Full and Visiting Professor at a number of universities in Italy and abroad: the University of Macerata Department of Commercial Law, the University of Naples Department of International Organizations Law, the National University of Somalia, the University of Naples School of European and International Law, and the National University of Public Administration in Rome. Through his experience and scholarship on the bench and in academia, he developed and pursued a keen interest on undercurrents and dynamic forces at work in the field of law, particularly European law, which is revealed in numerous essays and publications over the course of his career.
To honor his memory and contributions to legal scholarship, the Antonio Saggio Prize was established in 2015 with support from the Spinelli Institute and the Municipality of Ventotene.[2] The presentation ceremony of the annual award takes place in Ventotene, the island where Antonio Saggio and his family spent their summers.
I civili come soggetti della violenza bellica, Naples, 1971. (in Italian only, on civilians as victims of wartime violence).
In tema di prova delle condizioni di efficacia delle sentenze straniere, in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 1971, p. 385 ss. (in Italian only, proving the effectiveness of foreign judgments).
Costituzione e cittadino, in Storia d’Italia, vol. V, Einaudi, Turin, 1973 (con lo pseudonimo di Giuseppe Filangi).(in Italian only, on the constitution and the citizen, published under the pseudonym of Joseph Filangi).
Orientamenti della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee in materia di illeciti economici, in Il Consiglio superiore della magistratura, 3/1983, p. 93 ss. (in Italian only, Guidelines of the Court of Justice of the European Communities in matters relating to illegal proceeds).
La circolazione delle persone nella CEE, in Quaderni della giustizia, n. 8/1984, p. 11 ss. (In Italian only, the circulation of people in the EEC).
Diritto interno e fonti comunitarie, in Quaderni della giustizia, n. 43/1985, p. 12 ss (in Italian only, domestic law and EU sources).
Affidamento di opere pubbliche e normativa comunitaria, in Rivista di diritto europeo, 1985, p. 34 ss. (In Italian only, the award of public works contracts and Community legislation)
Ripetizione dell’indebito e diritto comunitario, in Il Corriere giuridico, n. 7/1985, p. 757 ss.(In Italian only, recovering overpayments and Community law).
Iniziative sullo spazio giudiziario europeo in materia civile, in Quaderni della giustizia, n. 59/1986, p. 26 ss. (In Italian only, initiatives on the limits of European jurisdiction in civil matters). Italian experiences in application of article177 in the EEC treaty, in Article 177 of EEC: experience and problems.
Aspetti problematici della competenza pregiudiziale della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee messi in luce nella giurisprudenza, in Rivista di diritto europeo. 1987, p. 179 ss. (In Italian only, judicial discretion of the Court of Justice evidenced in case-law).
Spazio giudiziario europeo in materia civile: sviluppi recenti, in Documenti giustizia, 1988, p. 51 ss. (In Italian only, European judicial jurisdiction in civil matters: recent developments).
Il completamento del mercato interno e la scadenza del '92, in Il Corriere giuridico, 1988, p. 967 ss. (In Italian only, completion of the internal market and the 1992 deadlines).
Il Tribunale comunitario di primo grado, in Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali, 1988, p. 611 ss. (In Italian only, the Community Court of First Instance, Community law, and international trade).
L'incidenza del diritto comunitario sul diritto del lavoro in Italia, in Il foro italiano, 1989, IV, cc. 14 ss. (in collaborazione con R. Foglia). (In Italian only, the impact of Community law on labor law in Italy).
Il giudice comunitario nel contesto attuale: natura del ruolo e novità istituzionali, in Documenti giustizia, 1990, cc. 12 ss. (In Italian only, The Community Court in the present context: nature of the role and institutional innovations).
Le basi giuridiche della politica ambientale nell'ordinamento comunitario dopo l’entrata in vigore dell'Atto unico, in Rivista di diritto europeo, 1990, p. 39 ss. (In Italian only, legal bases of environmental policy into Community after the entry into force of the Single Act).
Orientamenti della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee in materia brevettuale, in Rivista di diritto europeo. 1990, p. 581 ss. (In Italian only, Guidelines of the Court of Justice of the European Communities in matters related to patents).
Rapports entre droit communautaire et droit constitutionnel anglais, in Journal of European Law, 1991, p. 327 ss. (In Italian only, Relationship between community law and English constitutional law. European Judicial Area for Civil and Commercial Matters: the Brussels and Lugano Conventions, in Journal of European Law, 1991, p. 617 ss.
Prospettive di evoluzione del Tribunale di primo grado delle Comunità europee, in Rivista di diritto europeo, 1992, p. 3 ss. (In Italian only, potential developments of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities).
Le système de promotion des fonctionnaires des Communautés européennes: réflexions sur certaines orientations de la jurisprudence. (In Italian only, promoting professional staff of the European Community: reflections on several legal perspectives).
Problemi giuridici relativi alto spazio economico europeo, con particolare riferimento al trasporto aereo, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 1993, p. 61 ss. (In Italian only, legal issues affecting the European economic area, with particular reference to air transport).
La protezione dei diritti fondamentali nell'ordinamento comunitario, in Documenti Giustizia, 1993, cc. 275 ss. (In Italian only, protecting basic rights in the EU).
Le competenze, in Il Tribunale di primo grado della Comunità, a cura di Umberto Leanza, Pasquale Paone, Antonio Saggio, Napoli 1994, pp. 69–97. (in Italian only, Duties and Responsibilities). Efficacia di sentenze ed atti stranieri, in Il nuovo sistema italiano di diritto internazionale privato (commento coordinato da Francesco Capotorti), in Il Corriere giuridico, 1995, p. 1259 ss. (In Italian only, effectiveness of foreign judgments and acts).
Competenze rispettive delle autorità comunitarie e nazionali in materia di controllo e repressione delle attività anticoncorrenziali delle impresse, in Quaderni di ricerca giuridica delta consulenza legale della Banca d’Italia, n. 43, dicembre 1996, pp. 186–209. (In Italian only, powers of the Community and national authorities, respectively, in controlling and suppressing anti-competitive activities of enterprises).
Diritto internazionale privato e diritto uniforme nel sistema comunitario, in Rivista di Diritto europeo, n. 2/1996, pp. 215–233. (In Italian only, private international law and uniform law in the Community framework).
L'incidence de l’accord EEE sur le système communautaire, in Rivista di diritto europeo, n. 3/1996. (In French only, the impact of the EEE agreement on the community system). Riflessioni sulla legge italiana di riforma del diritto internazionale privato e sulla sua incidenza sul regime dello stato civile, in Documenti Giustizia, 1997, n. 1-2, pp. 13–28. (In Italian only, reflections Italy’s reform of private international law and its effect on the rules of civil status).
Euroopan ylueisöjen ensimäisen oikeusasteen tuomioistuimen kilpailuasioita koskevasta oikeuskäytännöstä [La pratique du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes en matière de droit de la concurrence]. Defensor in legis, n. 1/1997, pp. 103–118.
Appunti sulla ricevibilità dei ricorsi d’annullamento proposti da persone fisiche e giuridiche in base all'articolo 173, quarto comma, del trattato CE, in La tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti nel Sistema comunitario, Bruxelles 1997, pp. 107– 126. (In Italian only, notes on the admissibility of annulment actions brought by natural and legal persons under Article 173, fourth paragraph, of the EC Treaty).
Le informazioni riservate ed i segreti commerciali nel diritto comunitario della concorrenza, in Rivista di Diritto Europeo, 1997, p 547 ss. (in collaborazione con C. Iannone) (In Italian only, Confidential information and trade secrets in Community competition law).
Presentazione del volume “Diritto processuale antitrust- Tutela giurisdizionale della concorrenza” di M. Tavassi e Massimo Scuffi, Giuffrè, 1998, pp V-IX (In Italian only, presentation of the book Antitrust Procedural Law - Judicial protection of competition).
The activisme judiciaire dans l'espace communautaire: son rôle dans l'intégration européenne et ses limites, in studies iuridica, n. 38, Universidade de Coimbra, Colloquia -1, 1999, p. 83. (In French only, Judicial activism in the community area: its role and limits in European integration).
Note di commento alla giurisprudenza della corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee pubblicate (dal 1986 al 2001) nella rubrica bimestrale “osservatorio della Corte di Giustizia CE de “il Corriere giuridico” (curatore assieme a R. Foglia) (In Italian only, ed. with R. Foglia of commentary on the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities published (from 1986 to 2001)).
La responsabilità dello Stato per violazioni del Diritto Comunitario, in Atti del XLXI Convegno di studi di scienze dell’Amministrazione, Milano 2001, pp 219–273; (In Italian only, State liability for breaches of Community law).
Influenza della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia CE sulle norme processuali nazionali, in Corriere giuridico 2001. (In Italian only, influence of the European Court of Justice EC on national procedural standards).
- "CURIA - Former Members - Court of Justice of the European Union". Retrieved 2015-11-04.
- "Premio Antonio Saggio". Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. Retrieved 2015-11-04.