Basta (rapper)
Vasiliy Mikhaylovich Vakulenko (Russian: Василий Михайлович Вакуленко; born 20 April 1980), better known by stage name Basta also known as Noggano is a Russian rapper, producer and radio host.[1]
Basta Баста | |
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Background information | |
Birth name | Vasiliy Mikhaylovich Vakulenko |
Born | Rostov-on-Don, Soviet Union | April 20, 1980
Genres | hip hop, pop music |
Occupation(s) | Musician, producer, radio host |
Years active | 1997–present |
Labels | Gazgolder Records |
Associated acts | Centr, Smoky Mo, Polina Gagarina, Triagrutrika, Kazhe Oboyma, Lion, AK-47, QP |
Website | www |
Born into an army officer's family. He studied at the local musical college, but didn't graduate. He is married and has two children.
Vakulenko began to write and read rap at the age of 15–16, at 1997 participated in group Psycholyric, which later became known as Kasta, based on his initiative to rename the band. At 1998 he recorded his first solo single "Моя Игра" (Moya Igra/My Game). Then Basta assembled his own band, "Уличные Звуки" (Ulichnye Zvuki/Street Sounds). In 2004 he was noticed by Bogdan Titomir, who offered him to go to Moscow. In Moscow Basta met other performers Smoky Mo and Guf (future founder of the Centr). Later Basta participated in recording Guf's album "Город дорог" (Gorod Dorog/City of roads) and made together with him the cover of his first single "Моя Игра" (Moya Igra/My Game).
At 2008 Basta created the new stage name "Noggano" and recorded two albums "Ноггано первый" (Noggano. The First) and "Ноггано теплый" (Noggano. Warm) in parody style. The name "Noggano" is an allusion to the legendary revolver. Before that he was performing sad and sometimes romantic tracks, but since "Noggano" he created the new image of Gangsta rapper, singing obscene lyrics about criminals, sex and drugs in parody and grotesque style. He is calling "Noggano" his alter ego. Currently engaged in writing Basta release "Nagano 3" which is scheduled for release in 2016.
Since 2017 Basta is banned for 3 years from entering Ukraine because of performing in Crimea after the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea.[2][3]
Since 2006 Basta and his business partner Yevgeny Antimoniy own the Gazgolder label, which includes music record label, the night club, producing center, management agency, talent agency, clothes shops, pubs, restaurants, vape shops, jewellery company.
- 2006 - "Баста 1" (Basta 1)
- 2007 - "Баста 2" (Basta 2)
- 2008 - "Ноггано. Первый" (Noggano. The First)
- 2009 - "Ноггано. Второй (Теплый)" (Noggano. The Second (Warm))
- 2010 - "Баста 3" (Basta 3)
- 2010 - "Баста/Guf" (Basta/Guf)
- 2011 - "N1nt3nd0"
- 2011 - "ГлаЗ" (GlaZ / EyE)
- 2013 - "Баста 4" (Basta 4)
- 2014 - "ТВА"
- 2015 - "Баста/Смоки Мо" (Basta/Smoky Mo)
- 2016 - "Баста 5" (Basta 5)
- 2016 - "Лакшери" (Luxury)
- 1997 - "Первый Удар" (в составе группы "Психолирик") (Perviy Udar / First Strike (feat.Psycholyric)
- 2005 - "Начальное творчество. Часть 1" (Nachal'noe Tvorchestvo / Initiate Creation. Part 1)
- 2005 - "Баста. Начальное творчество. Часть 1" (Basta. Nachal'noe Tvorchestvo / Basta. Initiate Creation. Part 1)
- 2008 - "К тебе" (K tebe / To You)
- 2009 - "Ноггано: Неизданное" (Noggano: Unpublished)
- 2010 - "Ноггано: Совместки" (Noggano: Featurings)
- 2013 - "Баста +" (Basta +)
- 1997 - "Город" (Gorod / City)
- 2006 - Мама (Mama / Mommy)
- 2006 - "Так плачет весна" (Tak plachet vesna / This Is How The Spring Cries)
- 2006 - "Раз и навсегда" (Raz i navsegda / Once And For All)
- 2006 - "Сам по себе" (Sam po sebe / By Itself)
- 2006 - "Девочка-суицид" (Devochka-suitsid / Suicide Girl)
- 2006 - "Ты та, что" (Ty ta, chto / You're The One Who...)
- 2006 - "Осень" (Osen' / Autumn)
- 2006 - "Мои мечты" (Moi mechty / My Dreams)
- 2006 - "Моя игра" (Moya Igra / My Game)
- 2007 - "Мне нужен бит" (Mne nuzhen bit / I Need A Bit)
- 2007 - "Чувства" (Chuvstva / Feelings)
- 2007 - "Война" (Voyna / War)
- 2007 - "Город дорог" (Gorod dorog / City Of Roads, feat. Guf)
- 2007 - "Всем берегам" (Vsem beregam / To All Coasts, feat. Centr)
- 2008 - "Наше лето" (Nashe leto / Our Summer, feat. MakSim)
- 2009 - "Не всё потеряно" (Ne vsyo poteryano / All Is Not Lost, feat. Guf)
- 2009 - "Ростов" (Rostov / Rostov-on-Don)
- 2010 - "Нет такой, как ты" (Net takoy kak ty / There Is Nobody Like You)
- 2010 - "Обернись" (Obernis' / Turn Around, feat. Gorod 312)
- 2010 - "Солнца не видно" (Solntsa ne vidno / The Sun Is Not Visible, feat. BoomBox)
- 2010 - "Любовь без памяти" (Lyubov' bez pamyati / Love Without Memory)
- 2010 - Hands Up
- 2010 - "Урбан" (Urban)
- 2010 - "Деньги" (Den'gi / Money)
- 2010 - "Олимпиада 80" (Olimpiada 80 / 1980 Summer Olympics)
- 2010 - "Кинолента" (Kinolenta / Film)
- 2010 - "Россия" (Rossiya / Russia)
- 2010 - "Свобода" (Svoboda / Freedom)
- 2010 - "Театр" (Teatr / The Theater)
- 2010 - "Ходим по краю" (Hodim po krayu / We Walk On The Edge, feat. Guf)
- 2010 - "Отпускаю" (Otpuskayu / I'm Absolving)
- 2010 - "Темная ночь" (Tyomnaya Noch' / Dark Night)
- 2012 - "Моя вселенная" п.у. Тати (Moya vselennaya / My Universe, feat. Tati)
- 2013 - Intro Basta 4
- 2013 - "ЧК" (Чистый кайф) (Chisty kayf / Genuine Pleasure)
- 2014 - "Супергерой" (Supergeroy / The Superhero)
- 2014 - "Моё кино" (Moyo kino / My Cinema)
- 2014 - Приглашение в Золотой Театр 2014 (Invitation to the Green Theater 2014, feat, Smoky Mo and Tati)
- 2014 - "Евпатория" (Yevpatoria, Lyapis Trubetskoy cover)
- 2014 - "Каменные цветы" (Kamenniye tsvety / Stone Flowers, feat. Elena Vaenga and Smoky Mo)
- 2014 - "Старая школа" (Staraya shkola / Old School, feat. Smoky Mo)
- 2015 - "Хочу к тебе" (Hochu k tebe/I Wish I Were With You, feat. Tati)
- 2015 - "Скрипка Страдивари" (Skripka Stradivari / Stradivari's Violin)
- 2015 - "Нас не нужно жалеть" (Nas ne nuzhno zhalet' / We Do Not Need To Regret)
- 2015 - "Финальный матч" (Finalny Match / The Final Match, feat. Smoky Mo. Official Match TV anthem)
- 2015 - "Там, где нас нет" (Tam, gde nas net / Where We Do Not)
- 2016 - "Я смотрю на небо" (Ya smotryu na nebo / I Look At The Sky)
- 2016 - "Слон" (Slon / The Elephant, feat. Aglaya Shilovskaya)
- 2016 - "Голос" (Golos/The Voice, feat. Polina Gagarina)
- 2016 - I Just Live My Life (feat. Cvpellv)
- 2016 - "Выпускной. Медлячок" (Vypusknoy. Medlyachok / Prom. The Slow Song)
- 2016 - Приглашение на фестиваль Gazgolder Live (Invitation to the Gazgolder Live feastival, feat. Dasha Charusha)
- 2016 - "Родная" (Rodnaya / Darling. Kalinov Most cover)
- 2016 - "Ангел веры" (Angel very / Angel of Faith, feat. Polina Gagarina)
- 2017 - "Мастер и Маргарита" (Master i Margarita / The Master and Margareth, feat. Yuna)
- 2017 - "Сансара" (Sansara, feat. Diana Arbenina, Alexander F. Sklyar, Skriptonit, Ant 25/17, Sergey Bobunets & SunSay)
- 2017 - "папа what's up"
- "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-03-18.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
External links
- Gazgolder Records official website
- CENTR fear Basta. "Город дорог" on YouTube (MTV Music Award 2008 for Best Hip Hop Project)
- Basta on VK
- Lyrics of Basta on