Canal de Noticias de Nicaragua, News Channel of Nicaragua (better known by its initials CDNN 23 and also called Channel 23 for frequency of radio frequency transmission) is an open Nicaraguan television channel operated by the ESE Group (Emigdio Suárez Ediciones) and broadcasts from Managua, Nicaraguan capital.

CDNN 23 is sister company of Bolsa de Noticias, operated by the same group and founded in 1972 by the journalist Emigdio Suárez Sobalvarro.
Since its launch on August 3, 2000 by the frequency 23 UHF, the channel has broadcast a news program, opinion and interviews in its entirety of national production.
The top CDNN 23 shows are:
- Entrevistas CDNN: Interview program directed by journalist Plinio Suárez García, president of the channel.
- La Cobertura: Social Complaints Program directed by the journalist Elsbeth D'Anda.
- Noticieros CDNN: Stellar newscast.
- Bolsa de Mujeres TV: Gender promotion program directed by Xanthis Suárez García.
- Deportes CDNN: Stellar sports newscast.
Availability in domestic signal:
- Open signal: Channel 23 (UHF)
- Claro TV: Channel 23
- IBW: Channel 100
During its years of transmission CDNN 23 has been the platform for the launching of multiple journalistic personalities of the country as well as notable television programs, among them 100% Noticias (before being its own channel) directed by the journalist Miguel Mora, Otra Noche (Another Night) directed by the journalist Marcio Vargas Aguilar (1949 - 2016), Dardos al Centro (Darts to the center) directed by the journalist Carlos Guadamuz (1944 - 2004), Temas y Debates (Topics and Debates) directed by the journalist Luis Mora, En Vivo (Live) with Danilo Lacayo, Café Con Voz (Coffee With Voice) directed by the journalist Luis Galeano and the morning humor program El Mañanero (The Morning) conducted by the actor and comedian Valentín Castillo (1961 - 2016).