Car glass
Vehicle glass includes windscreens, side and rear windows, and glass panel roofs on a vehicle. Side windows can be either fixed or raised and lowered by depressing a button (power window) or switch or using a hand-turned crank. The power moonroof, a transparent, retractable sunroof, may be considered as an extension of the power window concept. Some vehicles include sun blinds for rear and rear side windows. The windshield of a car is appropriate for safety and protection from debris on the road.[1] The majority of vehicle glass is held in place by glass run channels, which also serve to contain any fragments of glass if the glass breaks.

Back Glass also called rear window glass, rear windshield, or rear glass, is the piece of glass opposite the windshield in a vehicle. Back glass is made from tempered glass, also known as safety glass, and when broken will shatter into small, round pieces. This is different from a front windshield, which is made of laminated glass, glass which consists of two pieces of glass, with vinyl in between.[2]
This piece of glass may contain heating coils or antennae, depending on the year, make, and model of the vehicle.[3] When broken, a back glass may be replaced by a technician to the specifications of the original glass of the vehicle [4]