Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)

The Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) is a US aviation safety partnership between regulators, manufacturers, operators and professional unions, research groups, international organizations to further enhance safety. Founded in 1997 with a goal to reduce the fixed-wing commercial aviation fatality rate in the United States by 80 percent by 2007. By 2007 CAST was able to report that by implementing safety enhancements, the fatality rate of commercial air travel in the United States was reduced by 83 percent. In 2008, the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) won the Collier Trophy.[1] In 2010, CAST envisioned a further reduction in fatalities of fifty percent by 2025.[2]

CAST origins

The Commercial Aviation Safety Team was founded in 1997 in response to the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security Report that called for a reduction of the commercial aviation accident rate by 80 percent by 2007. From their analysis of thousands of aviation incidents and accidents, CAST formed lessons learned and envisioned critical safety enhancements. Their efforts marked 2008 as the safest year in commercial aviation. Fatal commercial accidents reduced by 83 percent, to a probability of one in 22.8 million flights.[1]

CAST focuses on Part 121 scheduled airliner operations. The CAST team uses a data-driven approach to: analyze safety data; identify hazards; develop specific safety enhancements; implement cost-effective safety enhancements; track implementation; monitor the effectiveness of the safety mitigations; and use experience to continually improve the aviation system.[2] The CAST team shares its findings with aviation safety organizations around the world.  [3] The CAST team's new goal is to reduce the remaining part 121 accident risk (50%) by 2025. It plans to achieve this goal by using industry data and analytical tools from Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing Initiative. [4]

CAST safety enhancement selected examples

The CAST Team focuses on risks identified by data and attacks these critical areas with mitigation strategies.[2] The team developed dozens of safety enhancements highlighted by:

Additionally the CAST team set goals for future safety enhancements.[5]


CAST is a cooperative government-industry initiative. CAST was co-chaired by Michael Quiello, Vice President – Corporate Safety, United Airlines and Ali Bahrami, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, Federal Aviation Administration.

Government: Federal Aviation Administration; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Transport Canada Civil Aviation; U.S. Department of Defense

Employees: Air Line Pilots Association; Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations, representing Allied Pilots Association; National Air Traffic Controllers Association

Industry: Aerospace Industries Association of America; Airbus; Airports Council International; Airlines for America; The Boeing Company; Flight Safety Foundation; GE Aviation (representing all engine manufacturers); National Air Carrier Association; Regional Airline Association

Observers: Association of Asia Pacific Airlines; European Aviation Safety Authority; International Air Transport Association; International Civil Aviation Organization; National Transportation Safety Board; U.S.-CREST Group.[3]

In addition to the Commercial Aviation Safety Team, other major Aviation safety improvement initiatives include the International Helicopter Safety Team and the European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI).

Other safety improvement initiatives

  • Africa African Safety Enhancement Team
  • COSCAP Bangul Accord Group
  • COSCAP Communate Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale
  • COSCAP Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine
  • Asia/Pacific Cooperative Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness Program (COSCAP).
  • Central/South America Pan American Aviation Safety Team
  • Middle East COSCAP Gulf States Russia COSCAP Commonwealth of Independent States

See also

The European Commercial Aviation Safety Team (ECAST)

ECAST addresses large aircraft operations. It was launched in October 2006 by the team that created the ESSI. ECAST is in Europe the equivalent of CAST in the US. ECAST aims at further enhancing fixed-wing commercial aviation safety in Europe, and for European citizens worldwide. Other European efforts include the European Helicopter Safety Team and the European General Aviation Safety Team.


  1. "NAA Announces Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) as the Winner of the THE 2008 Robert J. Collier Trophy" (PDF). National Aeronautic Association. NAA. Retrieved May 28, 2020.
  2. Alexander-Adams, Marcia. "Fact Sheet – Commercial Aviation Safety Team". FAA. Retrieved November 29, 2020.
  3. "Commercial Aviation Safety Team". Retrieved May 29, 2020.
  4. "Aviation Week Network's 63rd Annual Laureate Awards". Laureates.aviationweek. Aviation Week. Retrieved May 29, 2020.
  5. "CAST Safety Enhancement Plan". Skybrary. Retrieved May 29, 2020.
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