Cubeez is a British computer-animated television series that was broadcast between 1999 and 2001 on GMTV's Kids. It was aimed at pre-school children aged 2–5. The four box-like characters, Bozz, Doody, Dink and Tizzy are accompanied on their adventures by a talking paintbrush (voiced by Marc Silk) and a variety of creative characters that they're made in Alias Wavefront Maya. Each episode has a strong educational element and features live-action footage of children.
Cubeez | |
Genre | 3D animation |
Country of origin | United Kingdom United States |
No. of series | 2 |
No. of episodes | 104 |
Production | |
Executive producers |
Running time | 11 minutes |
Production companies |
Distributor | Entertainment Rights |
Release | |
Original network | UK ITV (GMTV Kids) US PBS Kids |
Original release | 20 September 1999 – 30 March 2001 |
- Bozz (voiced by Keith Wickham; Jay Hickman in North America) – The pink male cubee, and the leader of the four.
- Tizzy (voiced by Jan Haydn Rowles; Luci Christian in North America) – The yellow female cubee.
- Dink (voiced by Mike Walling; Chris Patton in North America) – The blue male cubee.
- Doody (voiced by Tara Newley; Kira Vincent-Davis in North America) – The orange female cubee with round red glasses.
- Learning Wall (voiced by Marc Silk & Teresa Gallagher; Jessica Boone in North America)
- Boingles (voiced by Marc Silk; Greg Ayres in North America)
- Wiggywams (voiced by Marc Silk; Jason Douglas in North America)
- Eyesanozes (Marc Silk)
- Artist the Paintbrush (Marc Silk)
- Tock Tock (Marc Silk)
- Bobby Bingle Boingle
- Auntie Boingle
- Pecking Circle Pecker
- Peebo
Cubeez has been shown around the world. In the United Kingdom, it was aired on Nick Jr. from October 2001 to December 2003, and then on Channel 4 from around 2005 to 2006. In North America, it aired on Treehouse TV in Canada from 1999 to 2001, and on PBS Kids in the United States from 2000 to 2002. In Australia, it aired on ABC Kids.