Dead Lines (film)

Dead Lines is a 2010 Canadian television thriller film directed by Louis Bélanger and written by Jennifer Saxon. It stars Jeri Ryan as a fashion designer who becomes involved in a murder hunt after an employee is killed, and involves her family (Anthony Lemke and Tiera Skovbye).



The Radio Times disapproved of the film, remarking that "here's too much talk and not enough action in this underdeveloped TV movie set in the New York fashion world" . They added: "With most of the juicier plot points discussed rather than depicted, the film lacks excitement and atmosphere, leaving the sinister soundtrack to create all the tension. So a burst of peril in the final scenes is particularly welcome, though even that's diluted by poor performances and clumsy direction".[1]


  1. "Dead Lines". Radio Times. Retrieved 20 February 2016.

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