Dmytro Bahaliy

Dmytro Ivanovych Bahaliy (Ukrainian: Дмитро Іванович Багалій, Russian: Дмитрій Ивановичъ Багалѣй) was a Ukrainian historian and public and political figure, one of founding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society since 1923.



  • History of the Severia land until mid 14th century (Russian: «История Северской земли до половины XIV века», 1882)
  • Outline of history on colonization and mode of life of steppe outskirts of the Muscovite State (Russian: «Очерки по истории колонизации й быта степной окраины Московского государства», Moscow 1887)
  • Colonization of the Novorossiya Krai (Russian: «Колонизация Новороссийского Края», 1889)
  • New historian of Malorossiya (Russian: «Новый историк Малороссии», 1891)
  • To the history of studies about mode of life of the Old Slavic people (Russian: «К истории учений о быте древних славян», 1892)
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