Donetsk Regional Drama Theatre
Donetsk Regional Theatre of Drama (Ukrainian: Донецький обласний драматичний театр, Russian: Донецкий областной драматический театр) is a theatre in Mariupol in southern Ukraine. The modern theatre was constructed in 1960.

Donetsk Regional Theatre of Drama in Mariupol
- 1847 - Records the first time a theatrical troupe came to Mariupol, under entrepreneur V. Vinogradova. As there was no theatre in the city the troupe gave its performances in a rented barn in Ekaterininskaya street (nowadays - Lenin Av.).
- 1850 - 1860 - A barn in the courtyard of Popov (a local resident) provides the first theatrical venue - "The Temple of a Muse of the Melpomene". The building is fairly basic with elementary conditions, but here during several seasons many troupes performed. These included participation by provincial actors of that time: Alexandrov, Neverov, Medvedeva, Stoppel, Novitsky, Minsky, Prokofyev, Piloni and others.
- 1878 - The first professional theatrical troupe appears in the city of Mariupol. The beginning of the Mariupol theatre is funded by the son of a rich merchant Vasily Shapovalov who has rented a room for the theatre. The career of actors I. Zagorsky, L. Zagorsky, L. Linitskaja and others begins here.
- 1887 - Opening of the newly built theatre on November 8, named the Concert Hall (subsequently Winter Theatre), it has a big stage, comfortable seating, a place for the orchestra, and an auditorium for 800. [?A role of the Governor of a town in the first statement of the Concert hall "the Auditor" the owner of theatre and impresario has played]
- 1880 - 1890 - Performances of outstanding masters of the Ukrainian stage took place: M. Kropivnitsky, I. Karpenko-Kary, P. Saksagansky, M. Staritsky and others.
- 1920 - A drama collective "New Theatre" under the management of A. Borisoglebsky was active
- 1934 - The theatre is created the All-Donetsk musical-dramatical theatre based in Mariupol (the head - A. Smirnov, the main director - A. Iskander).
- 1959 - The Mariupol theatre is given the status Donetsk State Theatre.
- 1960 - November 2, the official opening of the re-constructed theatre and the first performance takes place.
- 1978 - The theatre company celebrates the 100th anniversary. The collective is awarded an Honour for significant merits in the theatrical arts.
- 1985 - The small stage of theatre is opened.
Alongside works by modern playwrights, there have always been Russian and foreign classics: works by Tolstoy, Pushkin, Molière, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Vladimir Nabokov, Maeterlinck, Shakespeare, Shukshin, Nina Sadur, Samuil Marshak, Evgeny Shvarts and many others.
- The national actress of Russia - N. Jurgens,
- National actors of Ukraine - J. Doronchenko, S. Otchenashenko,
- The deserved actress of Ukraine, the winner of the premium of a name in M. Zankovetska - L. Rusnak,
- Leading actors: S. Nemchuk, N. Atroshchenkova, S. Lupiltsev, A. Arutyunyan, A. Shevchenko, S. Musienko and others.
The Mariupol theatre annually takes part in Ukrainian and the international theatrical festivals:
See also
Donetsk Academic State Theater of Opera and Ballet named after A. B. Solovyanenko in Donetsk, Ukraine
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