Dr. rer. nat.

Doctor rerum naturalium (Latin for 'doctor of natural sciences', literally 'doctor of the things of nature'), abbreviated Dr. rer. nat., is a post-graduate academic degree awarded by universities in some German-speaking countries (e.g. Germany and Austria) to graduates in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, computer science, pharmacy, other natural sciences and similar areas, although Universites might also award different titles for these fields, depending on the topic of a PhD thesis and which titles a University can award. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for example might award a Dr. rer. nat. or a Dr.-Ing for Computer Science graduates, differentiating between degrees in theoretical and practical topics.[1] These doctoral degrees are equivalent to the PhD awarded in English-speaking countries.[2] German universities often translate a Dr. rer. nat. to doctorate of natural sciences.

To start a PhD in Germany, students usually are required to possess a Master's degree in a related field. PhD programs in the natural sciences are often designed to allow graduation in three to four years although longer programs do exist. The exact requirements for graduation differ by University but usually include the requirement to substantially contribute to the knowledge of the field on graduates in.[3]

In the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic (former Czechoslovakia), a similar designated degree, abbreviated RNDr., is awarded, but should not be confused with Dr. rer. nat., as the former is only an extension of a master-like degree.

See also


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