Dragon Booster

Dragon Booster is a Canadian-American animated series created by Rob Travalino and Kevin Mowrer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that aired from October 23, 2004 to December 23, 2006. The first series produced by Nerd Corps Entertainment, the series is about young Artha Penn, a stable boy. He is chosen by Beaucephalis (or "Beau" for short), the dragon of legend, to be his rider, turning him into the Dragon Booster, a hero to protect the world from the impending Dragon-Human war and unite humans and dragons for all time.[1]

Dragon Booster
Dragon Booster Academy
Science fantasy
Created byRob Travalino
Kevin Mowrer
Directed byGeorge Samilski
J. Falconer
Steve Ball
Voices ofKathleen Barr
Garry Chalk
Trevor Devall
Matt Hill
Scott McNeil
Mark Oliver
Lee Tockar
Lenore Zann
Theme music composerRobert Buckley
Country of originCanada
United States
Original languageEnglish
No. of seasons3
No. of episodes39 (list of episodes)
ProducersAsaph Fipke
Chuck Johnson
Running time22-30 minutes
Production companiesApolloScreen Filmproduktion
Nerd Corps Entertainment
The Story Hat
Alliance Atlantis
DistributorAlliance Atlantis
Original networkCBC (Canada)
Jetix (US)
Original releaseOctober 23, 2004 (2004-10-23) 
December 23, 2006 (2006-12-23)



  1. Perlmutter, David (2018). The Encyclopedia of American Animated Television Shows. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 163. ISBN 978-1538103739.
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