Eden (Australian TV series)
Eden is an Australian web television drama series from Stan. It follows devastating chain of events which lays bare the dark, hidden heart of paradise triggered after the disappearance of a young woman. The eight part series is filmed in Byron Bay and the Norther Rivers region of New South Wales.[1]
- Sophie Wilde as Scout
- BeBe Bettencourt as Hedwig
- Keiynan Lonsdale as Cam
- Cody Fern as Andy Dolan
- Cassandra Sorrell as Cora Lee
- Claude Jabbour as Ben Drysdale
- Alexandria Steffensen
- Christopher James Baker as Gracie
- Samuel Johnson as Ezra Katz
- Shakira Clanton as Laura O'Shea
- Brad McMurray as Kai Murray
- Isabel Lucas
- Martin Dingle Wall
- Christian Wilkins
- Mimana Kiel
- Caroline Oayda
Eden was created by writer-director Vanessa Gazy and based on an original concept by Every Cloud's Deb Cox. It is produced by Fiona McConaghy and directed by John Curran and Mirrah Foulkes.
External links
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