
The exabit is a multiple of the unit bit for digital information or computer storage. The prefix exa (symbol E) is defined in the International System of Units (SI) as a multiplier of 1018 (1 quintillion, short scale),[1] and therefore

1 exabit = 1018bits = 1000000000000000000bits = 1000 petabits.
Multiples of bits
Value SI
1000103 kbitkilobit
10002106 Mbitmegabit
10003109 Gbitgigabit
100041012 Tbitterabit
100051015 Pbitpetabit
100061018 Ebitexabit
100071021 Zbitzettabit
100081024 Ybityottabit
1024210 Kibitkibibit Kbitkilobit
10242220 Mibitmebibit Mbitmegabit
10243230 Gibitgibibit Gbitgigabit
10244240 Tibittebibit -
10245250 Pibitpebibit -
10246260 Eibitexbibit -
10247270 Zibitzebibit -
10248280 Yibityobibit -

The exabit has the unit symbol Ebit or Eb.

The exabit is closely related to the exbibit, a unit multiple derived from the binary prefix exbi of the same order of magnitude,[2] which is equal to 260bits = 1152921504606846976bits, or approximately 15% larger than the exabit.

See also


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