Extrasolar object

An extrasolar object (from Latin extra 'outside or beyond', and solaris 'of the Sun') is an astronomical object that exists outside the Solar System. It is not applied to stars, or any other celestial object that is larger than a star or the Solar System, such as a galaxy. The terms for extrasolar examples of Solar System bodies are:

Some Solar System object classes, such as minor planets, dwarf planets and Trans-Neptunian objects have not been detected outside the Solar System.

See also

  • Extraterrestrial, referring to objects or phenomena existing within the Solar System, but not on Earth
  • Extragalactic astronomy, the study of objects outside the Milky Way Galaxy
  • Interstellar object, an object that has traveled through interstellar space, such as A/2017 U1
  • ʻOumuamua, the first known interstellar object
  • Planetary system, a set of gravitationally bound non-stellar objects in orbit around a star or star system
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