GOST 7.79-2000

GOST 7.79-2000 (Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу. Правила транслитерации кирилловского письма латинским алфавитом) is a standard for transliterisation from Cyrillic to Latin script for use on the internet, for speakers of languages that are normally written in Cyrillic script but who do not have access to a Cyrillic keyboard. It came into effect 2002-07-01.[1]

GOST 7.79-2000 contains two transliteration tables.

System A
one Cyrillic character to one Latin character, some with diacritics – identical to ISO 9:1995
System B
one Cyrillic character to one or many Latin characters without combining diacritics. Letters are distinguished with a spacing diacritic, which for online use is the ASCII grave accent (i.e., `) but when used on Moscow street signs may instead be the traditional prime (i.e., ʹ), depending on who printed the sign.

GOST 7.79 System B

GOST 7.79 System B
Cyrillic Roman Note
Аа Aa
Бб Bb
Вв Vv
Гг Gg
Ѓ/Ґѓ/ґ G`g` ѓ in Macedonian, ґ in Ukrainian
Дд Dd
Ее Ee
Ёё Yoyo in Russian and Belarusian
Єє Yeye in Ukrainian
Жж Zhzh
Зз Zz
Sѕ Z`z` in Macedonian
Ии I, Y`i, y` not in Belarusian, y` for Ukrainian
Й/Јй/ј Jj ј in Macedonian
Іі I, I`i, i` i` only before vowels for Old Russian and Old Bulgarian
Її Yiyi in Ukrainian
Кк Kk
Ќќ K`k` in Macedonian
Лл Ll
Љљ L`l` in Macedonian
Мм Mm
Нн Nn
Њњ N`n` in Macedonian
Оо Oо
Пп Pp
Рр Rr
Сс Ss
Тт Tt
Уу Uu
Ўў U`u` in Belarusian
Фф Ff
Хх Xx
Цц Cz, Ccz, с c before i, e, y, j
Чч Chch
Џџ Dhdh in Macedonian
Шш Shsh
Щщ Shh, Shtshh, sht shh for Russian and Ukrainian, sht for Bulgarian
Ъъ A`a`, `` `` for Russian, a` for Bulgarian
Ыы Y`y` in Russian and Belarusian
Ьь ` grave accent
Ээ E`e` in Russian and Belarusian
Юю Yuyu not in Macedonian
Яя Yaуа not in Macedonian
ʼ ' apostrophe
Ѣѣ Yeуе in Old Russian and Old Bulgarian
Ѳѳ Fhfh in Old Russian and Old Bulgarian
Ѵѵ Yhyh in Old Russian and Old Bulgarian
Ѫѫ O`о` in Old Bulgarian

This standard (System B) appears to have been used in 2014 for the transliteration of street names on street signs in Moscow; its unusual appearance and non-intuitive sound values gave rise to criticism in the media.[2]

National adoptions

The verbatim translated text of ISO 9 is adopted as an inter-state standard in the countries listed below (the national designation is shown in parentheses). Other transcription schemes are also used in practice, though.


  1. "ГОСТ 7.79-2000, скачать ГОСТ 7.79-2000". gostexpert.ru.
  2. Москва готовится к оккупации, иначе происходящее не объяснить ("Moscow is preparing for occupation - otherwise one can't explain what goes on")
  3. "Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу (СИБИД), действующих в Республике Беларусь", item 55 (Sistema standartov po informacii, bibliotečnomu i izdatel'skomu delu (SIBID), dejstvuûŝih v Respublike Belarus')
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