Gravy Train (dog food)

Gravy Train is an American commercial dog food. Originally developed by General Foods, introduced in 1959, and trademarked in 1960,[1] it was the first brand of dog food to have a brown gravy form when warm water is added to the dry kibble, mixing with the kibble's powder coating. The gravy is intended to make the food more palatable.

The advertising catchphrase is "The Gravy Taste Dogs Can't Wait to Finish."

Gravy Train was once a brand of General Foods Corporation as part of its Gaines Division which included Gaines Meal, Gaines-Burgers as well as Prime Choice and Top Choice.[2]

Since 2014, Gravy Train has been owned by Big Heart Pet Brands, which spun off from Del Monte Foods.

Gravy Train primarily consists of byproducts from corn, wheat and soybeans, cellulose gum (the active ingredient that creates the gravy), bone meal, vitamin and mineral supplementation, artificial colors, BHA and rosemary.[3]


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