Index of DOS games (A)

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Title Released Developer(s) Publisher(s)
A Line in the Sand 1992 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations
A2: The Ultimate Sequel To AUTS - The Ultimate Stress Relief Game 1998 Jaakko Lyytinen
A-10 Tank Killer 1989 Dynamix Dynamix
A320 Airbus 1993 Thalion Software Thalion Software
AAARGH! 1988 Synergistic Software Arcadia Systems
Abandoned Places: A Time for Heroes 1992 ArtGame International Computer Entertainment
Abbey of Montglane, The 1993 Art LaFrana Art LaFrana
ABC Monday Night Football 1989 Park Place Productions Data East
ABC Wide World of Sports Boxing 1991 Acme Interactive Productions Data East
Aber Hallo! 1997 Krisalis Software media Verlagsgesellschaft
Abrams Battle Tank 1991 Dynamix Sega, Electronic Arts
A Brief Tryst 1992 Fruitsoft H.E.P. Group
Absolute Pinball 1995 21st Century Entertainment 21st Century Entertainment
Absolute Zero 1995 Edirol Eidos Interactive
Abuse 1996 Crack Dot Com Origin Systems
ACE: Air Combat Emulator 1987 Ian Martin Cascade Games
ACE 2 1987 Artronic Limited Artronic Limited
Ack-Ack Attack 1995 PLBM Games PLBM Games
Accordion 1990 Softdisk Softdisk
Add & Subtract With ALF 1988 Vision Software Vision Software
Air Puck 1992 Bob Mandel
Ace of Aces 1987 Artech Digital Entertainment Accolade
Aces of the Deep 1994 Dynamix Sierra On-Line
Aces of the Pacific 1992 Dynamix Sierra Entertainment
Aces Over Europe 1993 Dynamix Sierra On-Line
Acheton 1987 Topologika Topologika
Acid Tetris 1998 Dungeon Dwellers Design Sonic Foundry
Ack Ack Attack 1995 PLBM Games PLBM Games
Across the Rhine 1995 Microprose Microprose
Action Fighter 1989 Sega Firebird Software
Action in the North Atlantic 1989 General Quarters Software General Quarters Software
Action Soccer 1995 Ubi Soft Montpellier Ubi Soft
Action SuperCross 1997 Balázs Rózsa
Action Stations 1991 RAW Entertainment RAW Entertainment
Actua Soccer 1995 Gremlin Interactive Greenwood Entertainment
Actua Soccer - Club Edition 1997 Gremlin Interactive Gremlin Interactive
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance 1989 U.S. Gold Strategic Simulations
Advanced NetWars 1997 Edward Hill Caldera
Advanced Robot War 1989 Kevin L. Shelton
Advantage Tennis 1991 Infogrames Infogrames
Adventure Construction Set 1987 Electronic Arts Electronic Arts
Adventure in Melgrata 1993 Sherwood Forest Software Sherwood Forest Software
Adventure Math 1992 Epic MegaGames Epic MegaGames
Adventurers' Museum 1989 Lee Chapel Lee Chapel
Adventures in Math 1983 IBM IBM
Adventures of Captain Comic, The 1988 Michael Denio Michael Denio
The Adventures of Down Under Dan 1995 Guildsoft Games PowerVision
Adventures of Lance, The 1990 Michael P. Miller, Margaret J. Ganzberger
Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian, The 1992 Game Crafters Game Crafters
Adventures of Melvin Freebush, The 1993 Sherwood Forest Software Sherwood Forest Software
Adventures of Robbo 1994 xLand Games Epic MegaGames
Adventures of Robin Hood, The 1992 Millennium Interactive Millennium Interactive
Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun 1997 Infogrames Infogrames
Adventures of Willy Beamish, The 1991 Dynamix Sierra On-Line
AEGIS: Guardian of the Fleet 1994 Microplay Software Time Warner Interactive
Aethra Chronicles 1994 Michael W. Lawrence Michael W. Lawrence
African Adventure 1984 Tony Baechler Tony Baechler
After Burner 1989 Unlimited Software Sega
After Burner II 1989 Weebee Games Sega
Afterlife 1997 LucasArts LucasArts
After the War 1989 Dinamic Software Dinamic Software
A.G.E. 1991 Coktel Vision Coktel Vision
Agent USA 1984 Tom Snyder Productions Scholastic
Aggression 1990 Thomas B. Hardy Expert Source Code Inc.
AH-64D Longbow 1996 Origin Systems Electronic Arts
AH-64D Longbow - Flash Point: Korea 1996 Origin Systems Electronic Arts
Air 1993 Softstar Entertainment Softstar Entertainment
Airball 1987 Microdeal Microdeal
Airborne Ranger 1988 Microprose Microprose
Air Bucks 1992 Impressions Games Sierra On-Line
Air Force Commander 1992 Impressions Games Impressions Games
Air Power 1996 Rowan Software Mindscape
Airlift Rescue 1995 David Fleming David Fleming
Airstrike USA 1990 Digital Integration Spotlight Software
Albion 1996 Blue Byte Blue Byte
Alcatraz 1992 221B Software Development Infogrames
Alchemyst 1992 Bruce Hansen
Aldo's Adventure 1987 Yahoo Software Yahoo Software
Aleshar: World of Ice 1997 Hypothermia Hypothermia
Alex Higgins World Snooker 1988 Lindensoft Lindensoft
Alfred Pelrock 1996 Digital Dreams Multimedia Digital Dreams Multimedia
ALF's Thinking Skills 1993 Vision Software Vision Software
ALF's U.S. Geography 1993 Vision Software Vision Software
ALF's World of Words 1988 Vision Software Vision Software
ALF: The First Adventure 1987 Box Office, Inc. Box Office, Inc.
Alice in Wonderland 1989 Dale Disharoon Windham Classics
Alien 1982 Unknown Unknown
Alien Attack 1993 Eldon Martin Martin Software Productions
Alien Breed 1990 Team17 Team17
Alien Breed: Tower Assault 1994 Team17 Team17
Alien Cabal 1996 QA Soft QA Soft
Alien Carnage 1994-11-02 Interactive Binary Illusions/SubZero Software Apogee Software
Alien Fires: 2199 AD 1987 Jagware Paragon Software
Alien Incident 1996 Housemarque GameTek
Alien Legacy 1995 Ybarra Productions Sierra On-Line
Alien Logic: A Skyrealms of Jorune Adventur 1994 Ceridus Software Strategic Simulations
Alien Odyssey 1995 Argonaut Games Philips Interactive Media
Alien Olympics 2044 AD 1994 Dark Technologies Mindscape
Alien Phobia 1997 Wah-Software Wah-Software
Alien Poker 1993 Jeff Bogan
Alien Rampage 1997 Inner Circle Creations Softdisk
Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure 1995 Cryo Interactive Mindscape
Alien Syndrome 1989 HSP Sega
Alien Trilogy 1995-12-31 Probe Software Acclaim Entertainment
Alien Virus 1994 Funsoft Vic Tokai
Alien Worlds 1989 S. Larratt
All Dogs Go to Heaven 1989 Polarware/Penguin Software Merit Software
Allan Border's Cricket 1994 Audiogenic Audiogenic
Alley Cat 1984 Bill Williams IBM
All New Family Feud, The 1989 ShareData Softie Inc.
All New World of Lemmings 1994 DMA Design Psygnosis
Alone in the Dark 1992 Interplay Entertainment Infogrames
Alone in the Dark 2 1994 Infogrames Interplay Entertainment
Alone in the Dark 3 1995 Infogrames Interplay Entertainment
AlphaMan 1992 Soleau Software Soleau Software
AlphaMan 1995 Jeffrey R. Olson
Alpha Storm 1997 TAG TAG
Alpha Waves 1990 Infogrames Infogrames
Alpine Encounter, The 1985 Random House Random House
Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse 1994 Stormfront Studios Strategic Simulations
Alshark 1991 Popcorn Soft Popcorn Soft
Altered Beast 1990 Unlimited Software Sega
Altered Destiny 1990 Accolade Accolade
Alter Ego 1986 Activision Activision
Alternate Reality: The City 1988 Datasoft Electronic Arts
Amarillo Slim Dealer's Choice 1991 Villa Crespo Software Villa Crespo Software
Amazing Maze 1983 Donovan W. Foster Headlands Press
Amazing Spider-Man, The 1989 Paragon Software Paragon Software
Amazon 1984 Trillium Corp. Trillium Corp.
Amazon: Guardians of Eden 1992 Access Software Access Software
Amazon Trail, The 1993 MECC MECC
Amberstar 1992 Thalion Software Thalion Software
AmbivalenZ: Niritsu Haihan 1994 Alice Soft Alice Soft
Ambush at Sorinor 1993 Mindcraft Software Mindcraft Software
American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation 1986 Tom Snyder Productions Mindscape
American Gladiators 1992 GameTek GameTek
American Sign Language Tutor 1991 Softdisk Softdisk
A Mind Forever Voyaging 1985-08-14 Infocom Infocom
Amnesia 1986 Cognetics Corporation Electronic Arts
Amok 1997 Scavenger/Lemon Sega
Amulets & Armor 1997 United Game Artists United Game Artists
Amy's Fantasies 1995 C's Ware C's Ware
Amy's First Primer 1985 Rob Robinson, Garth Robinson, John Robinson Computing Specialties
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 1987 Thinking Machine Associates Thinking Machine Associates
An American Tail: The Computer Adventures of Fievel and His Friends 1993 Manley & Associates Capstone Software
Anchorhead 1998 Michael S. Gentry
Ancient Art of War, The 1984 Evryware Broderbund
Ancient Art of War at Sea, The 1987 Evryware Broderbund
Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The 1993 Evryware Broderbund
Ancient Domains of Mystery 1994 Thomas Biskup Thomas Biskup
Ancient Evil 1998 Silver Lightning Software Silver Lightning Software
Ancient Land of Ys 1989 Nihon Falcom Broderbund
Ancients 1: Death Watch 1993 Farr-Ware Epic MegaGames
Ancients 2: Approaching Evil 1993 Farr-Ware Epic MegaGames
Andromeda Conquest 1982 Avalon Hill Avalon Hill
Andromedas Erbe 1994 Thomas and Steffen Dingel
Angband 1992 Unknown Unknown
Angel Devoid: Face of the Enemy 1995 Electric Dreams Software Mindscape
Angel Nieto Pole 5000 1990 Opera Soft Opera Soft
Angry 1992
Angst: Rahz's Revenge 1996 ManMachineGames SoftKey
Animal Math 1986 Donald Pavia Donald Pavia
Animal Quest 1996 Alive Software Alive Software
The Animated Alphabet 1990 Tom Guthery IV Flix Productions
Animated Math 1991 Tom Guthery IV Flix Productions
The Animated Memory Game 1991 Tom Guthery IV Flix Productions
The Animated Mother Goose 1991 Tom Guthery IV Flix Productions
Animated Words 1992 Tom Guthery IV Flix Productions
Annals of Rome 1988 Rome Software PSS
Anna's Gram 1987 Softdisk Softdisk
Another World 1991 Delphine Software Interplay Entertainment
Antagony 1995 Triniti Software Triniti Software
AntiXonix 1985 D. Pavlovsky
Ant Run 1996 Soleau Software Soleau Software
Anvil of Dawn 1995 DreamForge Intertainment New World Computing
Apache 1993 Team17 Team17
Apache Longbow 1995 Interactive Magic Digital Integration
Apollo 18: Mission to the Moon 1988 Artech Studios Accolade
A.P.B. 1989 Domark Atari
Apple Panic 1982 Broderbund Broderbund
Aqua Man 1993 Soleau Software Soleau Software
Aquanoid 1992 Stefan Heineke and Karsten Finger
Arachnophobia 1991 BlueSky Software Disney Interactive Studios
Arcade Fruit Machine 1992 Zeppelin Games Zeppelin Games
Arcade Pool 1994 Team17 Team17
Arcade Volleyball 1989 Rhett Anderson
Archimedean Dynasty 1997-04-04 Massive Development Blue Byte
Archipelagos 1990 Astral Software Logotron
Archon: The Light and the Dark 1983 Free Fall Associates Electronic Arts
Archon Ultra 1994 Free Fall Associates Strategic Simulations
Arctic Adventure 1991 Apogee Software Apogee Software
Arcticfox 1986 Dynamix Electronic Arts
Arctic Moves 1995 Dinamic Multimedia Dinamic Multimedia
Arcy 2 1994 Caps Software MVP Software
Are We There Yet? 1991 Manley & Associates Electronic Arts
Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of Orpheo's Curse 1994 Viacom New Media Viacom New Media
Argo Checkers 1993 Argo Games Software Creations
Ario Bros. 1983 David Tretter
Ariva 1992 Tom Wilson Wizard System Software
Arkanoid 1988 NovaLogic Taito
Arkanoid II-Revenge of Doh 1989 NovaLogic Taito
Ark of Time 1997 Trecision KOEI
Ar'Kritz the Intruder 1996 SVirtual Studio Microfolie's
ARL 96 1995 Creative Assembly Electronic Arts
Armada 2525 1991 Interstel Interstel
Armaeth: The Lost Kingdom 1993 Real World Multimedia Grandslam Entertainment
Armor Alley 1991 360 Pacific 360 Pacific
Armored Fist 1994 NovaLogic Electronic Arts
Armored Moon: The Next Eden 1998 SUNGJIN Multi-media Microforum
Armour-Geddon 1992 Psygnosis Psygnosis
Army Moves 1989 Dinamic Software Dinamic Software
Arnhem 1985 R. T. Smith Cases Computer Simulations
Arnie II 1993 Zeppelin Games Zeppelin Games
Aro 1996 D'India Software D'India Software
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur 1989 Infocom Infocom
Artura 1989 Arcadia Systems Virgin Mastertronic
Arya Vaiv 1994 Megadream Software Dongleware Verlags
Ascendancy 1995 The Logic Factory Broderbund
Ashes of Empire 1993 GameTek GameTek
Assault Rigs 1996 Psygnosis Psygnosis
Assault Trooper 1997 Webfoot Technologies Webfoot Technologies
Asterix & Obelix 1996 Infogrames Infogrames
Asterix and the Magic Carpet 1987 Coktel Vision Coktel Vision
Asterix: Operation Getafix 1989 Coktel Vision Coktel Vision
Asteroid Smash 2000 Jugibugi Entertainment AukioGames
Astro-Dodge 1982 Dave Gangola Digital Marketing Corporation
AstroFire 1994 ORT Software ORT Software
The Astronomy Quiz 1988 Scott Miller Softdisk
Astrotit 1987 Rudeware Rudeware
ATAC 1992 Argonaut Games MicroProse
A-Team, The 1988 Zafiro Zafiro
Atlantis: The Lost Tales 1997 Cryo Interactive Interplay Entertainment
Atlas 1995 Artdink Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software
Atomic 1991 E.M. Pedersen
Atomino 1990 Psygnosis Blue Byte
Atomix 1990 Thalion Software Softtouch
A-Train 1992 Artdink Maxis
Attack 1982 IBM IBM
Attack on Altair 1982 Windmill Software Windmill Software
At the Carnival 1990 Miles Computing Miles Computing
Aufschwung Ost 1993 Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software Bomico Enteractive
Austerlitz 1989 Turcan Research Systems Mirrorsoft
Autoduel 1988 Origin Systems Origin Systems
AUTS: The Ultimate Stress Relief Game 1995 Jaakko Lyytinen
AV8B Harrier Assault 1992 Sims Limited Domark
Avalon Hill's Advanced Civilization 1995 Avalon Hill Avalon Hill
Avish! 1993 BUG Multisystem BUG Multisystem
Avoid the awful thing that resembles a banana 1984 Curtis Smith
Avoid the Noid 1989 California Merchandising Concepts ShareData
Awesome Earl in SkateRock 1988 Zig Zag Creations ShareData
Axia 1998 Dungeon Dwellers Design
Azrael's Tear 1996 Intelligent Games Mindscape

This is an index of DOS games.

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