Indian American Muslim Council

The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) (formerly Indian Muslim Council-USA) is the largest advocacy organization of Indian American Muslims, with multiple chapters across the United States. It was established on August 15, 2002, the 55th anniversary of India's Independence, as a tax-exempt non-profit. IAMC has been by far the largest and oldest advocacy organization of Indian Muslims in United States with more than eighteen years of Advocacy experience.

IAMC is focused to protect the fundamental and civil rights of all and to safeguard pluralism and democracy granted by the constitutions of United States and India. IAMC has demonstrated high efficiency in grassroots mobilization, coalition building, and media outreach whenever required.

IAMC Mission

Empowerment through strategic advocacy for peace, pluralism and social justice for ALL MINORITIES in India

IAMC Objectives

Promote Pluralism, Tolerance and Respect

To promote the common values of pluralism, tolerance, and respect for human rights that form the basis of the world’s two largest secular democracies – the United States and India.

Increasing interfaith and inter-community understanding

To work towards increasing inter-faith and inter-community understanding in the United States, with particular focus on the Indian Diaspora with a view to safeguard individuals and societal institutions from infiltration by divisive and hate-filled ideologies.

Increasing Education and Awareness

To provide a platform for increasing education and awareness about issues of interest to the Indian community in the United States.

To Build Alliances and Relationships

To build alliances and relationships with all individuals and groups who share our basic values, in order to work together for achieving the above objectives.

To be a Responsible voice

To provide a responsible voice for the Indian Muslim Diaspora in the United States in their quest for all of the above objectives.

See also

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