International Tundra Experiment
The International Tundra Experiment (ITEX) is a long-term international collaboration of researchers examining the responses of arctic and alpine plants and ecosystems to climate change.[1] Researchers measure plant responses to standardized, small-scale passive warming, snow manipulations, and nutrient additions. Researchers use small open-top chambers (OTCs) to passively increase mean air temperature by 1-2 °C.[2] The ITEX approach has been validated by tundra responses at the plot level.[3] The network has published meta-analyses[4][5][6] on plant phenology, growth, and reproduction,[7] composition and abundance,[8] and carbon flux.[9]

ITEX sites
The ITEX network consists of more than 20 sites in polar and alpine locations around the world.[10]
Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island
Name of site leader(s): Greg Henry
University: University of British Columbia
Site elevation: 0-100m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 78.8833° N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 75.8000° W
Date site was established: 1987
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 90 OTCs 99 controls
When were they established? 1993
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover, Wind, global radiation etc.
Current or past data collection[11]: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits,[12] Flower counts, Fertilizer plots,[13] Snowmelt dates, Snow addition and removal, GIS data, Drones (, Phenocams (GoPros etc.), Transplant experiments,[14] Plot photos, Soil moisture, Soil sampling, Succession studies[15]
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Cassiope,[16] Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Saxifraga, Equisetum, Poppy, Oxyria, Draba, Mosses/Lichens, Fungi[17]
Tundra Ecosystem Research Station, Daring Lake
Name of site leader(s): Karin Clark
University: Government of the Northwest Territories
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 65 degrees 52 min N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 111 degrees 32 min W
Date site was established: 1995
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 9
When were they established? Plots established 1995; OTCs in 2000
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, radiation, wind speed and direction
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Snowmelt dates
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Saxifraga, Oxytropis
Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island), Yukon
Name of site leader(s): Isla Myers-Smith
University: University of Edinburgh, Yukon Parks
Site elevation: 70m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 69.6 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 138.9 W
Date site was established: 1999
Does your site have OTC's? Never had
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 12
When were they established? 1999
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Herbivory, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snowmelt dates, GIS data, Drones (, Phenocams (GoPros etc.), Soil sampling, Shrub common garden
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Betula, Sedges, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens
Disko, Greenland
Name of site leader(s): Per Molgaard
University: Copenhagen
Site elevation: 10-100m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 69.63N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 42.17W
Date site was established: 1989 (last visit 2013)
Does your site have OTC's? No
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 4
When were they established? 1992
Have they been closed? If so, when? Yes 1994
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Herbivory, Flower counts
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Papaver, Caterpillars on willow
Arctic Station, Disko, Greenland
Name of site leader(s): Anders Michelsen, Bo Elberling
University: University of Copenhagen
Mesic-dry heath tundra
Site elevation: 95m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 69 16 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 53 27 W
Date site was established: 20Does your site have OTC's? Only snow fences
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 48
When were they established? 2012
Have they been closed? If so, when? still running
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Snow fences, Soil moisture, Drones, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Betula, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens
Wet sedge tundra
Site elevation: 85m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 69 26 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 53 47 W
Date site was established: 2013
Does your site have OTC's? Only snow fences
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 48
When were they established? 2013
Have they been closed? If so, when? still running
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Snow fences, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, Drones, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Sedges, Rushes, Equisetum, Mosses/Lichens
Zackenberg, Greenland
Name of site leader(s): Niels Martin Schmidt
University: Aarhus University
Site elevation: App. 55 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 74.47427
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): -20.52895
Date site was established: 1996
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 20
When were they established? 2007
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens
Zackenberg, Greenland
Name of site leader(s): Anders Michelsen
University: University of Copenhagen
Site elevation: 35m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 74 30 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 21 00 W
Date site was established: 2004
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 20
When were they established? 2004
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens
Auðkúluheiði, Iceland
Name of site leader(s): Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir
University: University of Iceland and University Centre in Svalbard
Site elevation: 450m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 65°12'0" N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 19°42'0" W
Date site was established: 1996
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 30
When were they established? 1996
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Precipitation, Total radiation, PAR
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Herbivory, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Equisetum, Silene, Cerastium, Mosses/Lichens, Empetrum
Billefjorden, Svalbard
Name of site leader(s): Petr Macek
University: University of South Bohemia
Site elevation: 70m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 78.5304
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 16.3070
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 30
When were they established? 2015
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Precipitation, leaf temperatures
Current or past data collection: Plant cover (%), Above ground plant traits, Herbivory, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Cassiope, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Saxifraga, Equisetum, Silene, Cerastium, Oxyria, Mosses/Lichens
Knutshø, Dovre, Norway
Name of site leader(s): Annika Hofgaard
University: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)
Site elevation: 1050-1150m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 62 18' N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 09 37' E
Date site was established: 1998
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 3
When were they established? 1998
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: No, two year of air and soil temperature data (ambient and OTC) at the start of site use
Current or past data collection: Above ground plant traits, Herbivory, Plot photos, plant cover (%)
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Equisetum, Mosses/Lichens, Empetrum, Astragalus and a number of other dwarf shrubs and herbs
Finse, Norway
Name of site leader(s): Kari Klanderud
University: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Site elevation: 1500 m asl
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 60.6051° N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 7.5046° E
Date site was established: June 2000
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 40 OTCs 40 controls
When were they established? 2000
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Precipitation, Done by climate station at Finse (1200 m asl)
Current or past data collection: Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Soil moisture, Soil sampling, Vegetation analyses by sub plot frequencies and % cover
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Sedges, Grasses, Silene, Mosses/Lichens
Kilpisjärvi Finland
Name of site leader(s): Anne Tolvanen
University: Natural Resources Institute Finland
Site elevation: 670 m a.s.l.
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 69.4N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 20.490E
Date site was established: 01.06.1994
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 20
When were they established? 1994
Have they been closed? If so, when? running experiment
Is there grazing at your site? Yes, factorial simulated herbivory treatment.
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Herbivory,[18] Soil sampling, GHG fluxes, plant C/N concentrations,[19] soil microbial communities[20]
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Rushes, Mosses/Lichens
Kilpisjärvi Finland II
Name of site leader(s): Friederike Gehrmann
University: University of Helsinki
Site elevation: 700m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 69.0443
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 20.8033
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? Never had
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 24
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, ecophysiology
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Saxifraga, Silene
Latnjajaure, Sweden
Name of site leader(s): Robert Bjork and Mats Bjorkman
University: Göteborg University
Site elevation: 981 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68.21N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 18.31E
Date site was established: 1990 (First full ITEX year 1993)
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 50 plots (in 5 plant communities)
When were they established? 1993, 1994, 1996
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover, Wind, global radiation etc.
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Herbivory, Flower counts, Plot photos, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, Soil sampling, soil fauna, soil parameters
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Betula, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Saxifraga, Equisetum, Silene, Cerastium, Oxyria, Draba, Mosses/Lichens, many mosses and lichens determined to species of genera level
Paddus, Abisko, Sweden
Name of site leader(s): Anders Michelsen
University: University of Copenhagen
(mesic tree-line heath)
Site elevation: 550m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68 19 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 18 51 E
Date site was established: 1989
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 48
When were they established? 1989
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Herbivory, Flower counts, Fertilizer plots, Soil moisture, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Betula, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Equisetum, Silene, Mosses/Lichens
Substrate (graminoid-rich heath)
Site elevation: 560m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68 19 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 18 50 E
Date site was established: 2012
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 30
When were they established? 2012
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Fertilizer plots, Soil moisture, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Equisetum, Mosses/Lichens
Multe (wet heath)
Site elevation: 430m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68 20 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 18 49 E
Date site was established: 1999
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 30
When were they established? 1999
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Fertilizer plots, Soil moisture, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Equisetum, Mosses/Lichens
Forest (understory in open birch forest)
Site elevation: 430m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68 20 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 18 50 E
Date site was established: 2009
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 10
When were they established? 2009
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Soil moisture, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Vaccinium, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens
Abisko Torneträsk treeline, Sweden
Name of site leader(s): Ellen Dorrepaal
University: Umeå University
Site elevation: 570-775 masl
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): N68°18'-N68°31
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): E18°12'-E18°54'
Date site was established: 2011
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 96
When were they established? 2011
Have they been closed? If so, when? NA
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Soil moisture
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Soil moisture, Transplant experiments, Nutrients; (Transplanted) seedling survival; Experiment includes OTCs and moss removal treatments for vegetation dominated by three different moss species, across 8 sites along a precipitation gradient
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens, Empetrum; In general very variable, since the experiment includes 8 sites (one replicate per site) and 3 dominant moss species per site
Arvidsjaur, Sweden - forest fire chronosequence
Name of site leader(s): Ellen Dorrepaal
University: Umeå University
Site elevation: 424-522 masl
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): N65°35'-N66°07'
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): E17°15'-E19°26'
Date site was established: 2010
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 80
When were they established? 2010
Have they been closed? If so, when? NA
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Soil moisture
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Soil moisture, Soil sampling, Transplant experiments, Soil nutrients; Nematodes; Microbial community (PLFA); (Transplanted) seedling survival; Litter decomposition; Experiment consists of OTC x moss removal x shrub removal (full factorial) across 10 sites with varying fire history in the northern boreal forest (Pine/Spruce/Birch), with one treatment replicate per site
Main genera in OTC plots: Vaccinium, Mosses/Lichens, Empetrum
Val Bercla, Switzerland
Name of site leader(s): Christian Rixen
University * WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
Site elevation 2500m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees) 46.47
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees) 9.58
Date site was established 1994
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTC's control plots, etc.) 9
When were they established? 1994
Have they been closed? If so, when? No OTCs from 1987-2008
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Does your site collect climate data? If yes, what type? No climate station directly at site but in the general area. Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover
Current or past data collection at your site:Phenology, Above ground plant traits, Herbivory, Plot photos, Abundance estimates
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Sedges, Grasses, Saxifraga, Silene, Mosses/Lichens
Gavia Pass I
Name of site leader(s): Michele Carbognani
University: Parma (Italy)
Site elevation: 2700 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 46.3404
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 10.4986
Date site was established: 2008
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 20
When were they established? 2008
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, litter decomposition
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Cerastium, Mosses/Lichens, Veronica, Cardamine, Poa, Leucanthemopsis
Gavia Pass II
Name of site leader(s): Alessandro Petraglia
University: Parma (Italy)
Site elevation: 2700 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 46.3404
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 10.4986
Date site was established: 2012
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 18
When were they established? 2012
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Precipitation, PAR
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Flower counts, Snow addition and removal, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Cerastium, Mosses/Lichens, Veronica, Cardamine, Poa, Leucathemopsis
Foscagno Pass
Name of site leader(s): Nicoletta Cannone
University: Università dell'Insubria
Site elevation: 2250-2550m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 46.04 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 10.02
Date site was established: 2007
Does your site have OTC's? Never had
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 100
When were they established? 2007
Have they been closed? If so, when? running experiment
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Precipitation, Snow depth and snow melting
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, GIS data, Vegetation data (composition and % coverage)
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Saxifraga, Silene, Cerastium, Oxyria, Mosses/Lichens
Stelvio Pass
Name of site leader(s): Nicoletta Cannone
University: Università dell'Insubria
Site elevation: 2700m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 46.31 N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 10.25 E
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 120
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? running experiment
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Snow melting dates
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snow fences, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, GIS data, Soil sampling, Vegetation analyses (composition and % cover)
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Sedges, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens
Alaska Ice Cut
Name of site leader(s): Ellen Dorrepaal
University: Umeå University
Site elevation: 385 m asl
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): N69°048'
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): W148°836'
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 24
When were they established? 2014 (snow fences), 2016 (OTCs)
Have they been closed? If so, when? NA
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Thaw depth; Soil moisture
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Snow fences, Soil moisture, Drones, NDVI; Ecosystem Respiration; GPP
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Mosses/Lichens, Ledum, Rubus
Toolik Lake, Alaska
Name of site leader(s): Laura Gough, Ed Rastetter, Donie Bret-Harte
University: MBL Woods Hole, University of Alaska, Towson University
Site elevation: 730 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68 deg 38 min N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 149 deg 34 min W
Date site was established: 1976
Does your site have OTC's? No
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) hundreds
When were they established? 1976-2006
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover, PAR, radiation balance, uv
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Below ground traits, Herbivory, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snow fences, Snow addition and removal, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, GIS data, Soil sampling, NPP GPP, bulk CNP stocks and turnover
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Rushes, Mosses/Lichens, NO OTCs—plastic greenhouses. 5 contrasting veg types
Alaska Ecotypes
Name of site leader(s): Ned Fetcher, Jianwu (Jim) Tang, Michael Moody
University: Wilkes University, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Texas - El Paso
Toolik Lake
Site elevation: 763 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68.6293
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): -149.5788
Date site was established: 2011, 2014
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 72
When were they established? 24 in 2011, 48 in 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, GIS data, Drones, Phenocams (GoPros etc.), Transplant experiments
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Mosses/Lichens
Site elevation: 297m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 69.4239
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): -148.7
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 48
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when?
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Transplant experiments
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Vaccinium, Sedges, Mosses/Lichens
Site elevation: 320 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 67.2586
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): -150.1698
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? Never had
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 24
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? NA
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Point framing, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Transplant experiments
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Vaccinium, Sedges, Mosses/Lichens
Imnaviat Creek, Alaska
Name of site leader(s): Jeremy May and Steven Oberbauer
University: Florida International University
Dry Heath
Site elevation: 927m asl
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68 37' N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 149 18' W
Date site was established: 2016
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 16
When were they established? June 2016
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: No
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Plot photos, NDVI
Main genera in OTC plots: Dryas, Salix, Betula, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Saxifraga, Mosses/Lichens
Wet Acidic
Site elevation: 927 m asl
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 68 37' N
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 149 18' W
Date site was established: 2016
Does your site have OTC's? Currently have
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 16
When were they established? June 2016
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: No
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Plot photos, NDVI
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Betula, Cassiope, Vaccinium, Sedges, Grasses, Saxifraga, Mosses/Lichens
Name of site leader(s): Nicoletta Cannone
University: Università dell'Insubria
Edmonson Point
Site elevation: 5–35 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 74°19'S
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 165°08'E
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? No, but it does have precipitation shields, nutrient additions, and long-term monitoring without manipulations
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 88
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Plot photos, Snow fences, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil sampling, Vegetation coverage and floristic composition
Main genera in OTC plots: Mosses/Lichens
Finger Point
Site elevation: 50m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 77°00'S
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 162°26'E
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? No, but it does have precipitation shields, nutrient additions, and long-term monitoring without manipulations
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 36
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? No ongoing experiment
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Plot photos, Snow fences, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil sampling, vegetation coverage and floristic composition
Main genera in OTC plots: Mosses/Lichens
Apostrophe Island
Site elevation: 50m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 73°31'S
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 167°25'E
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? No, but it does have precipitation shields, nutrient additions, and long-term monitoring
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 36
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? No, ongoing experiment
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Plot photos, Snow fences, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil sampling, vegetation coverage and floristic composition
Main genera in OTC plots: Mosses/Lichens
Tarn Flat
Site elevation: 20m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 74°59'S
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 162°37'E
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? No, but it does have precipitation shields, nutrient additions, and long-term monitoring
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 36
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? No, ongoing experiment
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Soil temperature
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Plot photos, Snow fences, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil sampling, vegetation coverage and floristic composition
Main genera in OTC plots: Mosses/Lichens
Boulder Clay
Site elevation: 150 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 74°44'S
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 164°01'E
Date site was established: 2014
Does your site have OTC's? No, but it does have precipitation shields, nutrient additions, and long-term monitoring
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 36
When were they established? 2014
Have they been closed? If so, when? No, ongoing experiment
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth
Current or past data collection: Point framing, Plot photos, Snow fences, Fertilizer plots, Snowmelt dates, Soil sampling, vegetation coverage and floristic composition
Main genera in OTC plots: Mosses/Lichens
Reserva Ecológica Antisana
Name of site leader(s): Priscilla Muriel, Francisco Cuesta
University: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Site elevation: 4580 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 0°28'1.50"S
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 78° 9'43.00"W
Date site was established: August 2013
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 25 control plots, 25 OTC plots (2013), 7 OTC+phenology plots and 7 corresponding control plots (2017)
When were they established? August 2013
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? Yes
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, This summer 2018 we will install a station with precipitation, radiation (PAR), soil water content
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Planned: soil sampling, herbivory
Main genera in OTC plots: Páramo (tropical alpine vegetation) species
Kobbefjord (Nuuk), Greenland
Name of site leader(s): Katrine Raundrup
University: Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Site elevation: 27 m
Latitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): 64.137147
Longitude (WGS84 decimal degrees): -51.379999
Date site was established: 2008
Does your site have OTC's? Yes
Number of plots at your site (include OTCs control plots, etc.) 30
When were they established? 2008
Have they been closed? If so, when? No
Is there grazing at your site? No
Climate data: Air temperature, Soil temperature, Snow depth, Precipitation, Cloud cover
Current or past data collection: Phenology, Above ground plant traits, Flower counts, Plot photos, Snowmelt dates, Soil moisture, GIS data, Soil sampling
Main genera in OTC plots: Salix, Sedges, Grasses, Mosses/Lichens, Empetrum
See also
- Henry, GHR, and Molau, U. 1997. Tundra plants and climate change: the International Tundra Experiment. Global Change Biology, 3(S1): 1-9.
- Marion, G. et al. 1997. Open-top designs for manipulating field temperature in high-latitude ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 3(S1): 20-32.
- Hollister, RD and Webber, PJ. 2000. Biotic validation of small open-top chambers in a tundra ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 6: 835-842.
- Elmendorf, Sarah C.; Henry, Gregory H. R.; Hollister, Robert D.; Björk, Robert G.; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Callaghan, Terry V.; Collier, Laura Siegwart; Cooper, Elisabeth J.; Cornelissen, Johannes H. C. (February 2012). "Global assessment of experimental climate warming on tundra vegetation: heterogeneity over space and time". Ecology Letters. 15 (2): 164–175. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01716.x. ISSN 1461-0248. PMID 22136670.
- Elmendorf, Sarah C.; Henry, Gregory H. R.; Hollister, Robert D.; Björk, Robert G.; Boulanger-Lapointe, Noémie; Cooper, Elisabeth J.; Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.; Day, Thomas A.; Dorrepaal, Ellen (2012-04-08). "Plot-scale evidence of tundra vegetation change and links to recent summer warming". Nature Climate Change. 2 (6): 453–457. doi:10.1038/nclimate1465. ISSN 1758-678X.
- Cornelissen, Johannes H.C.; van Bodegom, Peter M.; Aerts, Rien; Callaghan, Terry V.; van Logtestijn, Richard S.P.; Alatalo, Juha; Stuart Chapin, F.; Gerdol, Renato; Gudmundsson, Jon (July 2007). "Global negative vegetation feedback to climate warming responses of leaf litter decomposition rates in cold biomes". Ecology Letters. 10 (7): 619–627. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2007.01051.x. ISSN 1461-023X. PMID 17542940.
- Arft, AM, et al. 1999. Responses of tundra plants to experimental warming: Meta-analysis of the International Tundra Experiment. Ecological Monographs, 96(4): 491-511.
- Walker, MD, et al. 2006. Plant community responses to experimental warming across the tundra biome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(5): 1342-1346.
- Oberbauer, SF, et al. Tundra CO2 fluxes in response to experimental warming across latitudinal and moisture gradients. Ecological Monographs, 77(2): 221-238.
- ITEX Sites Spreadsheet
- Freedman, B; Svoboda, Josef; Henry, Gregory (1994-01-01). "Ecology of a Polar Oasis: Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada". Alexandra Fiord - an Ecological Oasis in the Polar Desert: 1–9.
- HUDSON, J. M. G.; HENRY, G. H. R.; CORNWELL, W. K. (2011-01-04). "Taller and larger: shifts in Arctic tundra leaf traits after 16 years of experimental warming". Global Change Biology. 17 (2): 1013–1021. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02294.x. ISSN 1354-1013.
- Deslippe, Julie R.; Egger, Keith N.; Henry, Greg H. R. (2005-06-01). "Impacts of warming and fertilization on nitrogen-fixing microbial communities in the Canadian High Arctic". FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 53 (1): 41–50. doi:10.1016/j.femsec.2004.12.002. ISSN 0168-6496. PMID 16329928.
- Bjorkman, Anne D. (2013). "Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Experimental Warming in a High Arctic Tundra Ecosystem". Arctic. 66 (4): 512–515. doi:10.14430/arctic4344. JSTOR 23594670.
- Jones, Glenda A.; Henry, Greg H. R. (2003). "Primary Plant Succession on Recently Deglaciated Terrain in the Canadian High Arctic". Journal of Biogeography. 30 (2): 277–296. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2699.2003.00818.x. JSTOR 3554519.
- Rayback, Shelly A.; Henry, Gregory H. R. (May 2006). "Reconstruction of Summer Temperature for a Canadian High Arctic Site from Retrospective Analysis of the Dwarf Shrub, Cassiope tetragona". Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (Submitted manuscript). 38 (2): 228–238. doi:10.1657/1523-0430(2006)38[228:rostfa];2. ISSN 1523-0430.
- Kohn, Linda M.; Stasovski, Elida (1990). "The Mycorrhizal Status of Plants at Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada, a High Arctic Site". Mycologia. 82 (1): 23–35. doi:10.2307/3759959. JSTOR 3759959.
- Ylänne, Henni; Stark, Sari; Tolvanen, Anne (October 2015). "Vegetation shift from deciduous to evergreen dwarf shrubs in response to selective herbivory offsets carbon losses: evidence from 19 years of warming and simulated herbivory in the subarctic tundra". Global Change Biology. 21 (10): 3696–3711. doi:10.1111/gcb.12964. ISSN 1365-2486. PMID 25950664.
- Stark, Sari; Ylänne, Henni; Tolvanen, Anne (2018-09-01). "Long-term warming alters soil and enzymatic N:P stoichiometry in subarctic tundra". Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 124: 184–188. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.06.016.
- Rinnan, Riikka; Stark, Sari; Tolvanen, Anne (July 2009). "Responses of vegetation and soil microbial communities to warming and simulated herbivory in a subarctic heath". Journal of Ecology. 97 (4): 788–800. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01506.x. ISSN 0022-0477.