John Steup
John Steup (born 1962) is an American businessman. He served as Vice President of the online indie music giant, CD Baby, from 1998 to 2006.

State University of New York at Ulster (associate of arts degree in math and science as well as an associate of applied science degree in design drafting)
Portland State University (bachelor of science degree in social science and liberal studies)
MPA (Master of Public Administration)2016 "University of Southern California".
Former judge for the "Indian Summer Music Awards" (2004 - 2010)
Formerly a resident of Woodstock, New York, Steup currently resides with his family in Portland, Oregon.
External links
- How To Do Everything With Musicmatch
- CD Baby - A Verbal Tour through the CD Baby office
- Bringing Up Baby, The story of an online music distributor run by (gasp) -- musicians
- THE online REPORTER Issue 322 November 11-15, 2002
- Doubles Its Music CD Sales
- Industry Experts Weigh In on New Queer Record Label
- Backdoor Boogie
- CD Baby Finds Success in Online Music Niche, NPR's by Marcie Sillman Morning Edition, December 28, 2004
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