Jurong airfield

Jurong Airfield Chinese: 句容飞机场 (Jùróng fēijīchǎng), may also be romanized as Chuyung (Cantonese), was an air force base serving in defense of former capital city of Nanjing during the Republic of China era on the mainland.[1]

Jurong Airfield

Airport typeMilitary
ServesNanjing, Jiangsu, China
LocationZhenjiang, Jurong, Jiangsu


During the period of the Nanjing Decade, the Imperial Japanese forces staged the Manchurian Incident, which prompted the urgency of the Chinese government in strengthening the national defense of the capital city; Commandant of the Chinese Military Academy General Zhang Zhizhong first proposed to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek the building of Jurong airbase to guard Nanjing. During the construction work on Jurong Airbase, many ancient artifacts were excavated on-site, including ceramic "Korean water kettles" (water containers used by soldiers of Han Shizhong of the Song Dynasty), an ancient tomb, multiple coffins, sacrificial objects and swords. The construction of Jurong airbase was completed in 1934, requiring 610,000 cubic meters of earthwork, over 220,000 yuan in labor and miscellaneous expenses.[2][3]

On 13 August 1937, in what is known as the first battle of World War II in Asia, the Chinese Air Force had dispatched the following units to Jurong airbase in support of the Battle of Shanghai and defense of Nanjing: the 17th Pursuit Squadron, 3rd Pursuit Group composed of Boeing P-26/281 fighters, which included pilots Liu Lanqing, Qin Jiazhu, along with members of the original Chinese-American volunteer group of fighter pilots John "Buffalo" Huang and John Wong Pan-Yang, plus pilots and crew of the 28th PS, 5th PG flying the Curtiss Hawk II fighters that included Capt. Chan Kee-wong, Lt. Arthur Chin, Lt. Louie Yim-qun et al, the 8th PS, 3rd PG composed of Fiat CR.32 fighters commanded by Capt. Chen Yau-Wei, and several additional Hawk IIs and a Hawk III from the 34th Provisional PS.[4][5][6][7]

On 15 August 1937, the air raid warning net established with the help of the American advisor to the Chinese Air Force, Claire Lee Chennault, reported an incoming flight of 16-20 IJN G3M twin-engined fast bombers entering the airspace over Suzhou on approach to Nanjing, whose mission was to neutralize Chinese Air Force assets at Jurong airbase; Jurong scrambled eight 17th PS P-26/281 fighters, seven 28th PS Hawk IIs, five 8th PS CR.32s, and five Hawk IIs plus a single Hawk III to engage the incoming Japanese raiders. In the ensuing confusion of the battle, Capt. John Huang Xinrui (flying the P-26/281 #1703) is credited with the first enemy aircraft of the first raid of the Battle of Nanjing to be shot down, identified as the 4th or 5th bomber of the Kisarazu Kokutai Shotai led by Lt. Yoshida. Maj. Wong would share in another G3M with Lt. Su Yongxiang. Lt. Qin Jiazhu (flying the P-26/281 #1702) would shoot down another G3M which crashed southeast of Nanjing, Capt. Cen Zeliu and Lt. Liu Qiwei shared one kill, while Capt. Chan Kee-wong shot up two G3Ms that were observed to have went down over Nanjing; these kills may have been the shared kills made by Capt. Chen and Lt. Huang of the 8th PS and/or several other shared kills made by pilots of the 4th PG that flew in from Hangzhou Jianqiao Airbase to help defend the capital city, but erroneously credited to others instead of Capt. Chan Kee-wong.[8][9][10]

As the battle for Shanghai raged on through the end of August and into September, Imperial Japanese Army and Navy air forces were harassing Chinese strongholds in the north of the Yellow River, specifically with the eruption of fighting at the Battle of Taiyuan, and at the southern front, in Guangdong Province; the limited Chinese Air Force combat aircraft numbers now further stretched thin over the massive warfront as the 28th PS, 5th PG at stationed at Jurong Airbase had to be split into two smaller squadrons and detached to the Battle of Taiyuan in the north, commanded by Capt. Chan Kee-Wong, and Nanxiong and Guangzhou in the south, commanded by Lt. Arthur Chin, culminating into the Battle of Canton.[11][12] The 8th and 17th squadrons of the 3rd group would remain in Jurong to continue defense of Nanjing and the continued support of the battle of Shanghai.[13]

Following the Fall of Shanghai, many soldiers of the National Revolutionary Army retreated westward across Jiangsu province in a running battle, and finally through the Jurong area where the 51st and 66th Division put up a bloody last-stand, losing Jurong on 6-8 December 1937; the capture of Jurong had placed Nanjing city within striking range of Japanese heavy artillery. Following the Fall of Nanjing, the provisional wartime capital was established at Wuhan as the war raged into 1938; many Imperial Japanese Army positions at Jurong and surrounding areas faced continued guerrilla warfare attacks by the New Fourth Army from 1938, until the end of the war in 1945.[14]

The location of the historic Jurong airbase is described to be at 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) from the north gate of Jurong County, Zhenjiang City, the former provincial capital of Jiangsu, about 40 kilometres (25 mi) east of Nanjing, and is now the site of Jurong Polytechnic College of Agriculture and Forestry.

See also


  1. Di, Li, Zhonghua, Feng. "句容飞机场的辟建及驻句空军的战绩_句容文物网". www.jrwenwu.com. 早在全国全面抗日战争爆发之前,国民党为了保护南京而在句容城北辟建一座战斗飞机。抗战初期,句容飞机场飞机凌空而上,居高临下,将日寇轰炸机击落数架。这一史料曾刊登在《中央日报》及有关报刊杂志;有亲眼所见者,写有数篇文稿,比较零散。我们根据史料,将这一历史事件合并在这一篇文章中,以飨诸位读者。
  2. 小小书房记 (2020-10-05). "88年前,镇江有一座"句容飞机场",它的前世今生很传奇……_手机网易网". NetEase 網易. Retrieved 2020-12-06. 句容位于南京东大门,历史上就是兵家必争之地。1931年,“九一八”事变之后,国名党政府为防御日军自上海攻击南京,决定在句容北门外兴建机场,作为南京大校场空军基地的预备机场,专供战斗机使用。在平整土地时,挖出许多韩瓶(传说为宋韩世忠士兵所用的陶质水壶);还挖出一座古墓,有棺有椁,殉葬品中还有宝剑。当年在句容建的战斗机场,对保卫南京领空有着极其重要的战略意义。如今,战斗机机场成了著名的镇江农业科研所和省农林职业技术学院的区域,周边小区密集,环境优美,人口众多,商业发达,北部新城的快速发展指日可待!
  3. Cheung, 2015, p. 43.
  4. Sun, Lianggang. "Shanghai 1937 – Where World War II Began". SHANGHAI 1937 - WHERE WORLD WAR II BEGAN. When did World War II begin? Most audiences will find the answer surprising; Americans might say December 7, 1941… for Europeans, it was September 1, 1939… but in China, people will tell you a different date. August 13, 1937.
  5. "Martyr Qin Jia-zhu". RoCAF @ air.mnd.gov.tw. Qin Jiazhu flying out of Jurong on a fighter escort of Hawk III fighter-attack planes to attack Japanese landings at Wusongkou, north of Shanghai, was shot down and killed over Wusongkou
  6. "中華民國空軍:黃新瑞". 隨意窩 Xuite日誌. With the news of Jurong’s victory in the air war over Nanjing, the Secretary-General of the "Aviation Committee" Madam Jiang Meiling, Ms. Song Meiling (widow of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, celebrated at the base... Director General Huang Renlin of the Inspiration Society. They brought a large number of comfort products to Jurong... many of the pilots of the 17th (and 28th squadrons) at Jurong were overseas Chinese from the U.S... Mrs. Jiang also spoke with them in English and praised them for their bravery and patriotism.
  7. Gustavsson, Hakans. "Chinese biplane fighter aces - 'John' Wong Pan-Yang". Biplane Fighter Aces - China. John Wong Pan-Yang obtained a private pilot's license at the Portland Flying School, Oregon, and went to China in 1932 to join the Guangdong (Canton) Provincial Air Force under Chen Jitang; later centralizing with the Nationalist Air Force if China as the CO of the 17th PS, 5th PG (sic - 3rd PG)
  8. Gustavsson, Hakans. "Chinese biplane fighter aces - Chan Kee-Wong". surfcity.kund.dalnet.se.
  9. Gustavsson, Hakans. "Chinese biplane fighter aces - 'Arthur' 'Art' Chin Shui-Tin". surfcity.kund.dalnet.se.
  10. Gustavsson, Hakans. "Chinese biplane fighter aces - Shen Tse-Liu". surfcity.kund.dalnet.se.
  11. 张, 嵚. "致敬!悲壮的中国空军抗战英雄们-历史探微--新法家". www.xinfajia.net. Retrieved 2020-12-02. 但也正是这场搏杀,令陈其光落下了终身残疾,提前告别了飞行事业。而后他得到的,是国民政府冷落的对待,直到抗战胜利后前往加拿大,做了一个普通的华侨。加拿大华文报纸,曾有《垂暮英雄感慨多》一文,慨叹他的遭遇:少用其力而老弃其身... 如果有哪个中国飞行员,是整个二战年代里,中美两国都高评价的英雄人物,那首推中国战鹰陈瑞钿。
  12. Gustavsson, Hakans. "Chinese biplane fighter aces - 'Clifford' 'Long Legged' Louie Yim-Qun". Biplane Fighter Aces - China. Retrieved 2020-12-02. The 28th PS was tasked with defending Nanking (Jurong) in August 1937 but with pressing demands for air defense in both Northern and Southern China, the 28th PS was split into two. One group sent north to Taiyuan under the command of Capt. Chan Kee-Wong; the remaining Hawk IIs led by Capt. Chin were sent south to Canton Province... on 18 September, Capt. Chan’s 28th PS Hawk IIs were scrambled and forced an IJAAF reconnaissance plane to abort its mission to Taiyuan... later that afternoon, two Japanese Type 94 observation aircraft (Nakajima Ki-4) from the 12th Hiko Rentai returned to Taiyuan to investigate reports of increased Chinese Air Force activities there... the Chinese caught and shot up both of the hapless Japanese observation planes. Lt. Louie Yim-Qun chased one of the Type 94s flown by a Capt. Henaga and shot it down over Chinhsien... both IJAAF aircrew were killed.
  13. "未知". reader.epubee.com. Retrieved 2020-12-02. 陈其光,广东省番禺县人。空军第5大队第28中队队长,1937年8月16日,该大队以句容为基地,卫戍首都南京,屡挫敌锋。29日,陈其光随队往浙江海面轰炸敌舰,命中敌舰一艘,歼敌甚众。华北战场,自山西之天镇失守,大同告急,陈其光率该队飞机半数赴援晋北。
  14. 作者系原句容市史志办公室主任. "那些发生在句容的抗日战斗-群众原创-群众网". 《句容县志》,江苏人民出版社,1994年1月第1版。. Retrieved 2020-12-02. ... 1939年3月7日,日军从镇江、句容、金坛、丹阳、天王寺、东昌街、白兔、延陵等据点出动2000多人,包抄合击驻镇江上、下会村休整的新四军第2团主力部队。凌晨4时,新四军发现敌情,团长王必成指挥部队向西南突围。部队突围至上荣庄东北白石山时,发现部队已被日军四面包围。日军分三路正面向白石山两次冲锋均被打退,从东南方向偷袭也被击退。日军又组织正面进攻,并从东北方向发起冲锋四次,均被新四军击溃。经过8小时的苦战,粉碎日军分进合击,第2团团部和第2、3连胜利突围。新四军共毙日军56人,伤日军43人...


  • Cheung, Raymond. OSPREY AIRCRAFT OF THE ACES 126: Aces of the Republic of China Air Force. Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2015. ISBN 978 14728 05614.
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