Konakovo Power Station
Konakovo Power Station (Konakovskaya GRES) One of the largest energy producers in Central Russia, situated alongside the Ivankovskoe reservoir in the Konakovo city of Tver region. It is a branch of “Enel Russia”.
The building of Konakovskaya GRES began in 1962. The first unit was launched on 10 January 1965. Exactly that day is considered to be the day of establishment of Konakovskaya GRES. The building of electro station was realizing in two lines each of 1200 MW. In 1966 the fourth unit was established and the construction of the first line was finished. In 1969 the eighth and last unit was launched and the construction of the second line was finished. Since 1972 the station has started to produce full planned capacity – 2400 МВт.
Since the end of '60s until 1982 Konakovskaya GRES had been working on mazut, using 7-10 tons of high-sulphur mazut per day. Since the '80s electro station was transferred to natural gas and works on it today. Mazut is a reserve fuel.
Because of modernization of № 1, № 2 , № 3 and № 8 contemporary installed capacity of GRES achieved 2520 MW.
In 2011, the first certification audit was carried out at Konakovskaya GRES power plant and it showed conformity of the integrated management system to the requirements of international standards OHSAS 18001:2007 "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems" and ISO 14001:2004 "Environmental Management System". Since 2011, the external audits were regularly carried out at the power plant and confirmed efficiency of internal processes management. In 2017, the company management resolved to carry out certification not only within the perimeter of Enel Russia PJSC, but also within the Global Thermal Generation of Enel S.r.L. In autumn 2017, the audit results confirmed the efficiency and controllability of processes of the integrated management system of occupational health (OHSAS 18001:2007), safety, environment (ISO 14001:2004) and quality (ISO 9001:2008). Quality Management System was certified in 2017 for the first time. In September 2018, together with implementation of new versions of standards ISO 14001:2015 (environment) and ISO 9001:2015 (quality), the transition of the IMS to the risk-based approach was confirmed.
Animal protection
One of the major projects, implemented by PJSC Enel Russia in 2015, was commissioning of a modern fish protection system at Konakovskaya GRES. Every day the power plant takes in water to cool down the exhaust steam. One powerful pump runs 5 cubic meters per second. Air-bubble stream throws back fish into the safe zone. With the introduction of new technologies, the threat of a negative impact on the fauna of Ivankovskoe water reservoir has been minimized.
Specification of the station
Installed electric capacity at the end of 2013 was 2520 MW, heat capacity — 120 Gcal/hour. In 2013 Konakovskaya GRES produced 8394 millions K.W.H. of energy. The useful output of heat energy for the same period was 228 thousand Gcal.
There are 8 units, each of them includes heat boiler ПП-950-255-ГМ (ПК-41), turbounit К-325-240-7МР or К-305-240 of LMF and electro generator ТВВ-320-2-УЗ or ТВВ-350-2-УЗ of Electrosila.
The scheme of power distribution
Generators of the station produce energy of 20 kW tension. In the energy system it enters on 220 KW, 330 KW and 500 KW tension through set-up transformers, autoformer of connection and open distribution device. Feed of house of every unit is realized from house transformer with tension of 20/6 kW and with capacity of 25 МВА, hardly connected with generator and set up transformer. Distributive and step down devices 6/0.4 KW are situated at the main building. Generators of the first line (units № 1—4) are connected with ОРУ-220 KW through set-up transformer ТДЦГ-360000/220 and ТДЦ400 000/220 with the capacity of 360 and 400 МВА correspondingly. Double-circuit ВЛ 220 kW, which is directed to “Tempy”, and ВЛ 220 kW, which is directed to “Almaz” are connected with ОРУ-220.
Generators of the second line (units № 5—8) are connected with ОРУ-500 KW through set-up transformer ТДЦ-206000/500 and capacity of 206 МВА in pairs on the one unit (2 transformers on unit). Connection (power flow) between ОРУ-220 and ОРУ-500 is realized through two groups of monophase autotransformer 500/220/KW with the capacity 3х167 МВА for group.
There is also supply with the tension of 6 kW through cable lines. Power lines of 35 KW, supplied Konacovo and its industries, are connected with ОРУ with the tension of 35 kW, implied to putties of autotransformer with the tension of 500/220/35 и 347/220/35 correspondingly. Powering realizes in normal mode from 330KW system.
Set-up transformers of units and block transformer СН are situated under the wall of turbine workshop from the Volga River. And open distribution device and autotransformer of connection are situated behind the funnel at the opposite side. The transition of power 220 and 500 MW is realized by pigtail over main building. As bearing for this thing on units of the first line pylons, fixed on funnels, are used. On the second line for the same aim special gantry, fixed on roof of the boiler workshop.
The power output of electro station to power grid is realized through power transition line:
- 220 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Tempy» (built in 1962);
- 220 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Almaz» (built in 1978);
- 330 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Kalinin-1» (built in 1978);
- 330 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Kalinin-2» (built in 1962);
- 500 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Cherepovec» (built in 1969);
- 500 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Trubino»; (built in 1985);
- 500 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Opytnaya» (built in 1967);
- 500 KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS «Belyi Rast» (built in 1965);
- 750 KW ПС «Opytnaya» — SS «Belyi Rast»;
- 750 KW SS «Opytnaya» — KAES — Leningradskaya SS.
Moreover, consumers of Konakovo are provided with energy with tension of 35 KW. Statement that Konankovskaya GRES gives energy to concrete consumer through these power transitions is conditional and supposed because the capacity is generated by power grid as well as stations of the same type. ВЛ 330 kW, directed to substation 330 KW «Kalininskaya», are the part of dimensioned transit «330KW Konakovskaya GRES — SS 330 KW Kalininskaya — SS 330 KW Novaya — Kalininskaya AES».
SS 750 kW «Opytnaya» that was built in 1967 is situated near Konakovskaya GRES and it was for that moment the first substation in Europe with such tension. SS «Opytnaya» is connected with Konakovskaya GRES by ВЛ 500 KW. Two lines are directed from substation to substation 750 kW Belyi Rast (built 1967) and to substation «Leningradskaya» (built 1975). From the same ВЛ afterwards step to Kalininskaya AES was made and now the line is named KAES-Opytnaya. Through SS «Opytnaya» joint delivery of power of Konakovskaya GRES and Kalininskaya AES is realized to Moscow energy ring. Also transit overflows of energy between systems of Center and North West is realized.
The main fuel for Konakovskaya GRES according to the project is natural gas, reserve fuel is mazut. But because of some reasons the electro station had been working on mazut since the end of ’60s to ’80s inclusively. Gas in that time was used only as starting or reserve fuel. Since 1982 the main fuel became natural gas and mazut remained as reserve fuel. But electro station was continuing intensively consume until 80’s, passing on to flaring gas. Today the main fuel of Konakovsakaya GRES is natural gas. The portion of mazut in fuel balance is less than 0,001 %. Gas enters electro station through 2 independent high pressure gas conduit. Mazut facilities of ТТЦ include a store of 12 ferro-concrete reservoir of 10 thousand м³ and 6 ferro-concrete reservoir of 20 thousand м³. Drain racks allow at once pour out 132 railway tanks. Heaters, filters, pumps and control position are situated at special buildings. Mazut is piped to Main Building from two mauconseil through two independent conduits to units of the first and second line. Gas is piped to boilers from two gas control points.[1]
Technical water supply
The system of technical water supply is uniflow. Water fence from Volga river is realized by two coastal pump stations to units of the first and second units. Each of them has 8 vertical circulating pumps ОП-5ПВ with capacity 5 м³/s. The average water fence is 30 000 м³/h for unit. Pipe bend is through assigning channel. The channel is underground on the territory of electro station and it includes 4 ferro-concrete lines. Beyond the bounds of the territory channel is opened, its length is 2,4 km.[2]
The system of removal and neutralization of washing water includes an intricate system of pipes, tank neutralisator of outcomes and slurry pump. Maps of sludge blade (6) are situated beyond the territory of electro station. Sludge maps are regularly cleaned; it is planned to create system of recultivation of sludge blade.
Water treatment
Filling of vapour and condensate losses at water-steam circuit of units is realized with desalted water by 3 steps scheme of desalting ХВО with the productivity of 280 м³/h. The source of water is river water that is engulfed back from assigned channel and got prior purification on special equipment with productivity of 300 м³/h, which includes illuminators and mechanic filters. The launching of prior purification was established in 2004. Previously the source of ХВО was deep-well water.
Every unit has its own demineralized equipment with the productivity of 1000 t/h that includes magnetic filters for deironing of turbine condensate and filters of mixed action for its demineralization.
Replenishment of heating system of Konakovj is realized by softened deep-well water from two tanks-accumulators. Water for such aims is generated in volume of Вода для этих целей 400 м³/h on replenishment of heating system installation, including Н-cationic filters with «poor» regeneration, decarbonators, Н-cationic buffer filters, tanks-accumulators, node of alkalization.
Management, control and automation
Management of units is realized from its control panel, on which there are control of boiler, turbine, generator, transformers СН, intakes of reserve supplement 6 kW, main pump equipment and supply equipment. Control panels of both units are situated at one location. Control of common equipment work, the main electric scheme and coordination of work of units is realized from central control panel situated on БЩУ № 1 and № 2. All units have АСУ ТП of Kvint type. Administrating of ХВО [13] , mazut pumps and other common systems is realized from their own control panels and are situated directly near them.
Drainage and purification of stocks
Domestic and fecal waterwastes are dumped to city treatment plants of Konakovo. Industrial waterwastes (oiled) get purification on treatment plants of electro station. Their modernization is planned.[3]
Heat energy
Hot water for the heating of electro station territory in Konakovo and make-up water of rechange system are preheated on block heating installation, including main boilers, peaking hot-water heaters, the drain coolers of boiler and pumps of heating-system water. The sources of water are water-well holes and 2 storage tanks.
Steam for self needs of electro station and consumers of Konakovo is selected from non-settled selection of turbine.
Gases from boiler stocks enter to the atmosphere through three funnels. Two funnels of the first line have 180 metres of height (as it said previously, they are also power transmission line supporting structure, as well as one of the funnels of Viborgskaya TEP at Saint-Petersburg and Kashirskaya GRES in Kashir). One funnel is for two units. On the second line, there is funnel with height of 250 meters for next four units (№ 5…№ 8). Funnel № 1 was built in 1964 году, and funnel № 2 – 1966 on the basis of height (180 meters) that electro station would work on natural gas. For the moment of the construction of the third funnel (1969), Konakovskaya GRES became mazut electro station and it was taken the decision for building the funnel with 250 meters height for more higher lifting and dispersion of emissions. At night all funnels are illuminated by projectors.
- Order of Lenin (1971)
- On the eve of 50 th anniversary of USSR by the decree of Presidium of Supreme Council of RSFSR from 15 th of December 1972 Konakovskaya GRES of Order of Lenin got the name of 50 th anniversary of USSR.
- — Конаковская тепловая электростанция. — Внешторгиздат.
- — Ордена Ленина Конаковская ГРЭС Калининэнерго. — Информэнерго, 1972
- "Техническое перевооружение комплекса очистки промышленных стоков (КОПС) для филиала "Конаковская ГРЭС" 400 м3/ч".