Leek yellow stripe virus

Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) belongs to the genus Potyvirus. It was first detected in leek but also infects garlic and onion worldwide.[1][2][3] The virus causes typical yellow stripe symptom on leek. A yield reduction of up to 54% on garlic has been reported.[4] LYSV is transmitted in non-persistent manner by Aphis fabae and Myzus persicae but not by seeds.[5][6] Its ssRNA genome has one large open reading frame (ORF) that encodes a polyprotein of ca. 10,131 nt and 3,152 amino acids, excluding the poly-(A) tail.[7]

Leek yellow stripe virus
Virus classification
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Pisuviricota
Class: Stelpaviricetes
Order: Patatavirales
Family: Potyviridae
Genus: Potyvirus
Leek yellow stripe virus


  1. Bos, L.; Huijberts, N.; Huttinga, H.; Maat, D. Z. (September 1978). "Leek yellow stripe virus and its relationships to onion yellow dwarf virus; characterization, ecology and possible control". Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology. 84 (5): 185–204. doi:10.1007/BF02650386.
  2. Takaki, F.; Sano, T.; Yamashita, K.; Fujita, T.; Ueda, K.; Kato, T. (1 June 2005). "Complete nucleotide sequences of attenuated and severe isolates of Leek yellow stripe virus from garlic in northern Japan: Identification of three distinct virus types in garlic and leek world-wide". Archives of Virology. 150 (6): 1135–1149. doi:10.1007/s00705-004-0482-9.
  3. Santosa, Adyatma Irawan; Ertunc, Filiz (August 2020). "Identification, molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of four viruses infecting Allium cepa in Ankara Province, Turkey". Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. 127 (4): 561–569. doi:10.1007/s41348-020-00347-5.
  4. Lot, Hervé; Chovelon, Véronique; Souche, Sylvie; Delecolle, Brigitte (December 1998). "Effects of Onion Yellow Dwarf and Leek Yellow Stripe Viruses on Symptomatology and Yield Loss of Three French Garlic Cultivars". Plant Disease. 82 (12): 1381–1385. doi:10.1094/PDIS.1998.82.12.1381.
  5. Noda, Chiyoichi; Inouye, Narinobu (1989). "Leek yellow stripe virus isolated from an ornamental Allium plant in Japan". Japanese Journal of Phytopathology. 55 (2): 208–215. doi:10.3186/jjphytopath.55.208.
  6. Lunello, P; Ducasse, DA; Helguera, M; Nome, SF; Conci, VC (2002). "An Argentinean isolate of Leek yellow stripe virus from leek can be transmitted to garlic". J. Plant Pathol. 84 (1): 11-17. doi:10.4454/jpp.v84i1.1082.
  7. Gupta, N.; Islam, S.; Sharma, S.K.; Baranwal, V.K. (13 October 2017). "COMPLETE GENOME SEQUENCE OF AN ISOLATE OF LEEK YELLOW STRIPE VIRUS FROM GARLIC IN INDIA". Journal of Plant Pathology. 99 (3). doi:10.4454/jpp.v99i3.3945.

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