List of Lepidoptera that feed on Buddleja
Buddleja (or Buddleia) species are used as food plants by the larvae (caterpillars) of a number of Lepidoptera species, including the following.

- Coryphodema tristis – recorded on Buddleja madagascariensis in South Africa
- Indian awlking (Choaspes benjaminii) – India
- Holly blue or hill hedge blue (Celastrina argiolus) – recorded on Buddleja davidii in India
Mullein moth caterpillar
- Mullein (Cucullia verbasci) – Palaearctic
- Episteme maculatrix – India
- Mentaxya muscosa – recorded on Buddleja polystachya in East Africa
- The gothic (Naenia typica) – UK
- Opsigalea ocellata – recorded on Buddleja sessiliflora in the Nearctic and Mexico
- Charaxes sp. – recorded on Buddleja davidii in East Africa
- Variable checkerspot (Euphydryas chalcedona) – recorded on B. davidii in the Nearctic
- High brown fritillary (Argynnis adippe)
- Redbase Jezebel (Delias pasithoe) – India
- Oidaematophorus lienigianus – Nearctic
- Pagyda salvalis – East Africa
- Pionea ablactalis – recorded on Buddleja polystachya in East Africa
- Death's-head hawkmoth or bee robber (Acherontia lachesis) – recorded on Buddleja asiatica in Taiwan, and on Buddleja officinalis in Yunnan Province, China.
- Aellopos tantalus – recorded on Buddleja davidii in Brazil
- Coelonia fulvinotata – recorded on B. davidii in East Africa
- Enyo ocypete – recorded on B. davidii in Brazil

Light brown apple moth 5th-instar caterpillar
- Argyrotaenia citrana – Nearctic
- Light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana) – recorded on Buddleja davidii in Europe
- Erasmia pulchella – India
- Eterusia aedea – India
- Histia flabellicornis – India
External links
- Robinson, Gaden S.; Ackery, Phillip R.; Kitching, Ian J.; Beccaloni, George W. & Hernández, Luis M. (2010). "Hostplant Genus: Buddleja". HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants. Natural History Museum, London.
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